Due to the CNN story and word that a reporter snitched to the FCC, we are switching to our light portable FM setup for now
Range is about three miles, we will run intermittant shows focussing on our usual issues like housing, gentrification, and imperialism-war on the poor at home and abroad.
Since our enemies so dislike the focus on Bush's coronation, we are going to increase the focus on the upcoming counterinaugural protests.
The FM rig and its antenna set up and break down in seconds. The nature of FM(VHF) signals and their small antennas allows security steps to be taken that are impractical on AM.
Even if the FCC manages to capture one of our rigs, we have a bottomless ability to make more. The big AM rigs with their 10 mile reported range(and a suspicious, questionable report of a skip heard in the UK) cost maybe $40 plus some time in the dumpster fetching parts, and the 3 mile range FM rigs maybe $15 for what the dumpster cannot provide.
In addition, any strike by the FCC on WSQT will result in a withering, on-the-air attack on the FCC's practice of giving away the store on spectrum to giants like Infinity and Clear Channel while harassing the little guys. Thier stewardship of the airwaves will be contrasted to their original mission to ensure difversity and public use of a public asset, namely the electromagnetic spectrum, of which no more can be made.
Anyway, CNN and possibly the FCC as well have challenged us to "bring it on" and that's exactly what we intend to do!