Campaign against Climate Change

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 February, 2005

Short extracts from the recent Climate Crisis London meeting.

Short extracts from the recent London meeting organised by the Campaign against Climate Change part of series of meetings organised around the U.K to raised awareness around this issue.

The 10 Climate Crisis Meetings we held around the country in adavance of the demo were a great success, with around 200 people attending the one in London, where speakers included George Monbiot, Norman Baker MP and Jean Lambert MEP (Green Party). Clare Short, MP, spoke at our Birmingham Meeting, on the same day.

Those who spoke on the [London] night included:
Phil Thornhill (Campaign against Climate change)
George Monbiot
Guy Taylor (Globalise Resistance)
Jean Lambert, MEP (Green Party, London)
Norman Baker MP (Lib-Dem shadow environment Minister)

All extracts were recorded at the Edward lewis lecture theatre, University of London 3rd February 2005