An 13:35 minte 2.4Mb MP3 is attached with Alex Jones
and Jack Blood discussing Martial Law and some aspects
of the Illuminati controlled Novus Ordo Seclorum
Conspiracy. Please lsiten to this MP3 tonight.
Dear People,
An 13:35 minte 2.4Mb MP3 is attached with Alex Jones
and Jack Blood discussing Martial Law and some aspects
of the Illuminati controlled Novus Ordo Seclorum
Conspiracy. Please lsiten to this MP3 tonight.
p.s. Jack, this MP3 also contains more information on
this coming 62nd anniversasry of WACO that I hope
you will touch upon on the coming Apr 19th show.
Due to the critical nature of this information, it is urged
that this information is shared by all means ASAP. Listener
discretion is advised and support in communciating this
information is highly encouraged.
Behold, a new book containing a valuable refreshing look at matters for our times: (books) (radio) (books) (Dr. Makow) (lots of goodies) (hard truth)
Please share this with others and it is the
authors faith that you may be richly blessed
for doing so. (Ephesians 5:11) Thank you.