Recording of patents discussions

By Anonymous (not verified) , 10 May, 2005

Patents on software, patents on life

Other possible pieces and script:

These recordings are part of a discussion that took place in RampArt,
13 European Directive process
14 China

EPO stands for European Patenting Office

14_1 european patenting office
14_2 european patenting office

15 Discussion

The video here,

explains how the patenting system works in te usa, where companies can already apply, register and inforce patents for their ideas and applications. The patents system has not yet come to Europe in full swing, but if aproved, this is pretty much what it would look like:
distributed under creative commons license...

and the following is an extract of a talk given by richard stallman in University College, London, in May 2004.

18 stallman difference usa/europe
20 stallman software IDEA patent
40 stallman stop progress
44 stallman europ process
45 analogy music

50 Joyce 01: interview about patents on life.