Get in the fight!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 May, 2005
WSQT radio 87.9 in DC

In Bolivia, protestors faced down live ammunition-and several deaths-to defeat water and gas privatisation. In the end, they forced out the President of Bolivia. WE CAN DO THE SAME to Bush and Williams if we dare!

While activists in the US are to often afraid to walk into a recruiting station or a real estate office and shut it down, people facing US and corporate power abroad are less deterred by lead bullets than people here are bu rubber bullets and pepper spray.

While people died in the street war to remove a pro-IMF government in Bolivia, more people have dies of hypothermia in DC from William's anti-poor policies than died in the entire Water War in Bolivia-the fight cost fewer lives than the oppression would have.

The audio piece is set to the music from "Host of the eldar" in The Two Towers(LOTR), where the Elves march into Helm's deep to join the fight agaisnt the Dark Lord and his minions.

The piece fits, especially considering that an article in the Earth First! Journal is now calling for the use of SHAC and ELF tactics to shut down military recruiting.

The war abroad and gentrification at home are two sides of the same coin: from police brutality at Pitts Pl in Anacostia to the EXACT SAME TACTICS in Iraq, it is all one war, all one fight against the forces of evil.

Just as Tolkien's Elves understood the war against Sauron and against Saruman were all one war, so the same is true of the war agaisnt Bush and the war against Tony "The Rat" Williams.