Perth Indy Radio - Brief Update on the Palmer Block Jarrah Forest Rescue Camp

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 June, 2005

Brief audio Report on the PALMER JARRAH Forest Block out near Collie in West Australia's south West.

File: MP3 1.60 MB 2 minutes 20 seconds.

phone 0427 558 963

PALMER RESCUE Website Now Online...
14 June 05 - PALMER BLOCK WEBSITE launched...

Palmer forest is situated near Collie in Western Australia’s South West. It is one of the last remaining high conservation value (HCV) forests containing significant numbers of large old growth jarrah trees. It is under immediate threat of logging...


Palmer forest is situated near Collie in Western Australia’s South West. It is one of the last remaining high conservation value (HCV) forests containing significant numbers of large old growth jarrah trees.

The area provides an important habitat for many native species including Black-Faced Wallabies, Red and White-tailed Black Cockatoos, Echidnas, Wedge-tailed Eagles, Brush-tailed Possums, Fairy Wrens, Dunnarts and Mardos.

Palmer forest was meant to be protected under the Gallop Government’s previous election promises because of its high conservation value (HCV). This promise has been broken. Logging could begin in Palmer immediately.

Days after the 2005 election the Forest Products Commission (FPC) began marking in 290 hectares of this HCV forest in preparation for logging. The FPC expects to get 12,100 m3 of 1st and 2nd grade saw logs, representing the highest volume per hectare of jarrah on this years logging plan at 42 m3/ha. These high volumes are because of the many large old growth jarrah trees that can be found in the Palmer forest block.

Most of the wood will go to sawmills owned by GUNNS; who are responsible for wood chipping Tasmania’s ancient forests.

Action is required now if we are to save this precious forest ecosystem.

If you want to help please email

or phone
0427 558 963


perth WA