Dungavel Detention Centre audio feature

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 July, 2005

Here is an audio feature on the demonstration that took place 5 July, 2005 at the Dungavel Detention Centre in Scotland as part of weeklong actions against the G8.

The first audio file is an audio piece that has been edited and includes a brief introduction to the piece. It is an interview with a Memebr of the Scottish Parliment (MSP), Rosie Kane, Socialist Party, along with an edited collections of a few of the speeches at the permitted rally, incfluding a former detainee, a current asylum seeker from the Ivory Coast, and a MSP for the Scottish National Party. 15:04 total time.

The interview & speeches covers a fair amount of detail into the conditions and circumstances by which people have been detained under. It does not have an extensive background on the Centre. Here is one site that seems to have a lot of information: http://www.sovereignty.org.uk/features/articles/immid1.html

And you can search indymedia archives for articloes. Here is one recent one with some current info:

Here is the info on the demo itself:

The remaining pieces are longer (or full) extracts of the speeches, including a few that do not appear in the story.