Norman Solomon Speaking on the Role of the Media in Selling the War

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 August, 2005
Carmen LaSalle

Norman Solomon was the keynote speaker at a benefit given for Media Alliance and Global Exchange in San Francisco on July 27,2005. He has recently published a book: "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death". In this speech he develops the idea that the media has sold the American public on the idea of war many times in modern history. And much of the spin is composed of lies. 1:00:04

Norman Solomon, a SF Bay area author and synidcated columnist, spoke at a benefit for Media Alliance and Global Exchange on July 27, 2005. His speech outlined his recent book, "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Spin Us to Death". In the speech he offered a penetrating analysis of recent American history starting before the Vietnam War, and showed how many times the American people have been influenced by what they read and watch and hear to believe facts which turn out to be untrue. He pointed out that the "war context" is mostly eliminated from media interpretations of current events such as the Rove/Plame story.
