Bring them Home Campaign (archive)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 August, 2005
Robbie Sinnott

6 minute interview with Catriona Ruane on the Colombia Three, from March 2004.

Catriona of the Bring Them Home Campaign gave this interview to Near FM's 'Majority World' on March 18th 2004, to publicise a demonstration outside Dáil Éireann on Tuesday March 23rd to protest the official of the Colombian vice-President.

'Bring Them Home' referred to three Irishmen who spent three years in a Colombian prison for passport violations, awaiting trial on charges of aiding the FARC. They were acquitted and went into hiding. Meantime, their acquittal was changed to aconviction by the Colombian Supreme Court, despite lack of evidence.

The three men, not about to volunteer themselves to a lengthy sting in a squalid Colombian prison again, eventually arrived back in Ireland this month (August, 2005).

Right-wing politicians including the Minister for Justice in Ireland, are making a lot of noise about the three having to do time for their conviction. Due process is by-passed when it suits the law-makers.

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Dublin, Ireland