John Lee asks General Janis Karpinski about 9/11 treason, Operation Northwoods, Communist invasion of USA and the current US Civil War, filing criminal charges against General Miller, Rumsfeld, Bush
Firing Line With Janis Karpinski
Host: Janis Karpinski
Call-in Number: 800-313-9443
Time: Saturday, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm CST
Republic Broadcasting Network
Janis Karpinski had a long, distinguished career in the military: she received a Bronze Star for her service in the Gulf War, and most recently, served as the Commander of the Military Police Brigade and was the first and only female General Officer commanding troops in a combat zone in Iraq. And although she had no training in handling criminal prisoners, she was selected to run Abu Ghraib. In her book "One Womans Army" Co-written with Newsweek correspondent Steven Strasser, she forcefully argues that the bulk of the blame for the Abu Ghraib scandal goes to the very top of the chain of command to Lieutenant General Sanchez; Ambassador Bremer; Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and tells why she has been made a scapegoat. Hers is a story of military leaders run amok, and a moving portrait of a woman who spent her life defying the odds in pursuit of her dream.
US Air Force first sergeant and squadron superintendent TSgt Tami Lee preferred criminal charges against all her commanding officers during Gulf War #1, including the chief of staff of USAF, General Michael Dugan. Dugan was fired while leading the Gulf War. The person who fired him, Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, then offered Lee a job working directly for him at the Pentagon.
To learn how to file criminal charges against commanding officers under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, then get promoted to Pentagon, visit Pirate News TV: