Stolen election in Mexico will NOT end like Florida or Ohio!

By Anonymous (not verified), 10 July, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 87.9 FM in DC

In Mexico, only "tally sheets" shipped with sealed packets of ballonts have actually been counted. The envelopes containing the ballots haven't even been opened.

It has widely been reported that computers counting ballots and making those tally sheets were preprogrammed to give Calderon an advantage over former Mexico City mayor Obrador no matter what, as polls consistantly showed a slight lead for Obrador.

Since Obrador represents the poor,who are the majority in Mexico, it is no suprise that he would win a free and fair election. Calderon represents the rich and the free traders instead, so he gets US help that makes him a foreign agent.

Disgraced Clinton campaign strategist Dick Morris helped Calderon make those notorious "Chavez" attack ads that a court ruled illegal, and who knows how much other help the US gave Calderon.

Since Obrador has promised to "renegotiate" NAFTA, leading probably to withdrawal from NAFTA, it is not a suprise that the US has intervened to support free trade advocate Calderon instead.

Of course, there is one problem for the free traders in all this-Obrador has done what the Dems never had the guts to do here-called voters into the streets to FIGHT for the right to have their voted counted!

Calderon may well become a "Cauldron" of Revolution as voter's anger spills into the streets of Mexico City.