Co-Producer & Researcher of "Loose Change 2nd Edition"
Jason joined with Kory Rowe & Dylan Avery after their initial version of "Loose Change" was released. With his additional footage and research, "Loose Change 2nd Edition" can be viewed on-line, and is seen by tens of thousands daily.
This upsurge in viewings has given credibility to the issues involved with that day in 2001, when a complexity of confusion, joined with intentional obfuscation, created the myths we are beleagered with today. Now influential figures can watch this video from the comfort of their own homes, and do their own research to determine if the facts conform to the propaganda. Those figures can now determine, without fear or favor, how to make the next move.
The polls now massively show the distrust the population of the world have for the Bush administration. The complexity of lies, tied to the abuse of the governmental tools of America - the military, the infrastructure and the human resources - all being misappropriated and sold to private hands.
In this interview we review a few topics of the hundreds possible.
- The NY World Trade Center - The structure & collapse of the three buildings that fell that day
- Video Footage & Copyright - The legal restrictions and demands of holders of footage from that day
- 'Able Danger' and the Named Terrorists - Who knew more then, and whether they are disclosing the truth today
Outro Music from the ClearChannel Banned Song List:
Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal"