Protestors face dark terror of Negroponte, vow to return on June 22

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 May, 2006
WSQT Guerilla Radio

Last night(June 29), protestors staged a silent candlelight vigil at 3100 Cleveland Ave, the home of John Negroponte. We faced an iron coldness from his security and unprecedented harassment for such an action!

Negroponte was home! He has a record of terror, death and destruction stretching from the 1980s in Central America to his support for TORTURE of Middle Eastern people today.

Unlike most war criminals, he attempts to treat protestors the same as he treeats his other enemies. His security forces attempted to force one activist to fight, that intended to lead to the mass arrest of all.

One of his security Nazgul poked his face six inches from the faces of everyone else and eyed women from head to toe from that range. When denied access to a Latino activist by another, he threw an elbow and yelled "don't hit me!" to the police. This was a clear attempt to either incite a riot or frame someone on bogus charges, probably both at once.

WE WILL RETURN to 3100 Clevbeland Ave on June 22 at 7PM! Gather at that time at Woodley Park Metro and we will march to the Home of Dark Terror, John Negroponjte's home at 3100 Cleveland Ave.

