The following story can be verified. The united states along with interest& influence outside the U.S. is run by what i call big oil.Big oil has styffled or silenced certian people with the answers to the worlds problems in hand. this was or is done to maintain $ & power.
I have sought answers to every concievable qeustion in our known universe since childhood.I found satisfaction in the careful consideration of available knowledge belonging to man.
extensive study of theology, phillosify & all manner of sience have brought me to many conclusions. what i am about to share now , i do so with reasons most could or would never comprehend. I created a machine an engine of sorts that is totally self reliant having no necessity for refueling , it recycles & reuses the same feul source which maitains its properties for indefinite use & the engine never releases an exhaust. My engine can be used to run a car ,generator or in any case replace any power plant using fossil feul with no drop in performance. My own government & or people of high influence & power would have me dead before allowing the release of this information or having my invention known. the introduction of this machine thought of once as a dream come true ,i now see would mean the end of the world as we know it & the possible death of countries & economies everywhere. I won't release the plans for my invention here but if contacted by mail or otherwise interviewed by media i am willing to release to the world or anyone personally, the sought after answer to the worlds suppossable feul shortage. My government ,i now realize has orchastrated & manipulated the mass in order to have things the way they are at present. Money & power has held sway over what has long been a corrupt government , Meanwhile the sufferring of generations of americans has been tolerated because of an abscence of truth, integrity, honesty, moraliy, ethics , values & standards.I realize i shall never gain $ from my invention , never the less perhaps my name shall carry on .