Nutjob DC developers want yet another stadium!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 June, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 87.9 in DC

Not satisfied with the $800M baseball stadium debacle, officials in DC Mayor William's office have been reported by the Washington Post to be trying to sell the Washington Football team(with that racist name) on building a new stadium in DC.

This would mean abandoning less than ten year old FedEx Field to build ANOTHER new stadium! Presumably this would be with yet more taxpayer money, of course. Perhaps we now know why the NY Ave stadium site was rejected in favor or destroying the SE Gay enclave-they were saving NY Ave for the Washington Racists football team.

This, of course, is while the baseball stadium project has consumed half of its contingency fund already-and the city and MLB atre in a new catfight about parking. The city calls underground parking "mandatory" for its "ballpark district," while baseball calls the delays associated with building it "not viable." Amazingly, the entire baseball deal could still collapse, leaving DC with a demolished area or a partially-built stadium and no team.

Sources close to the proposed football stadium project have been reported(in the Post) as saying it was contingent on the outcome of the fall elections for Mayor and Council. By this they mean that if Linda Cropp or another one of "Tony's Rats" doesn't get elected mayor(or if they are swept from the Council) they can forget the football stadium.

Once again, the "Don't Rock the Boat" caucus has called the city's "recovery," or gentrification "delicate." This means WE CAN STOP THE FOOTBALL STADIUM THIS FALL! We can do so by NOT electing Linda Cropp or one of her friends for mayor, and defeating pro-stadium and pro-growth councilmembers.

Meanwhile, there's talk in Gaithersburg of building yet another stadium-this time for a minor league baseball team to be attached either to the Nationals or the Orioles. These developers must be NUTS-Peak Oil is upon us, and you can't build your way out of gridlock or into prosperity.

Over 100 years ago Members of the Lakota Nation said "The Whites are Crazy!" This was part of the Ghost Dance, a spiritual movement that arose in response to extreme oppression and the exterminbation of both the buffalo and the traditional Lakota way of life.

The Lakota were right-the "whites" are indeed crazy. While developers are no longer all white, they are as crazy as they ever were, partying on the deck of a sinking ecosystem.

Peak oil is upon us, and Hurricane Katrina weas a gift from the SUV Owners of America to the people of New Orleans. In reply they propose to build more stadiums, more highways, and more shopping malls?