Six Nations’ people and supporters have occupied their land for approximately three months to prevent its invasion.This is an interview of Thahoketoteh of the Bear Clan, Mohawk Nation of Grand River, who is a member of the Mohawk Nation News.
Thahoketoteh shares his thoughts, and reviews the history and updates of the conflict over the Canadian Government encroachment into Six Nations territory.
Since this interview was carried out several significant things have happened. Prime Minister Harper allegedly said something to the effect that either the protesters will kill the indigenous people in Caledonia or the indigenous people will kill the protesters, the Caledonia mayor has been asking for the army to be brought in, two altercations occurred on June 9th, 2006, within Six Nations territory: one orchestrated to capture Native people on camera while reacting to racist attacks, and another when Native security caught a US Border Patrol vehicle – way out of its jurisdiction- that was taking pictures of everything and everybody, the vehicle was confiscated and investigated. Evidence of collaboration between OPP, US Border Patrol and US-ATF was recovered as well as the names of all OPP officers and U.S. agents who have been involved in the Six Nations conflict, their home phone numbers, and many details of their surveillance operations. Also seen was information from confidential informants dating back to the beginning of the standoff. The intelligence officer's log includes details of an OPP operation post being set up in the Hamilton area, a list of checks into the background of natives and Caledonia residents, information from the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) that "white supremacist skinheads" were being brought into Caledonia as paid provocateurs. Canadian authorities want to bring charges against the indigenous warriors that carried out their security duty during these incidents.
Also, as stated in a June 13th, 2006 statement by Chief Terrance Nelson of the Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation: “As Premier Dalton McGuinty and Minister of Indian Affairs Jim Prentice pull out of the Six Nations/Caledonia land claim with ultimatums that the “barricades must come down,” First Nations across Canada are issuing their own ultimatums. Last week, 100 Ontario Chiefs walked to the site of the land claim dispute and issued their own warning to Canada. Today Union of British Columbia Chiefs issued full support to Six Nations. In Manitoba, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, representing 64 First Nations, passed a resolution supporting a 24-hour railway blockade set for June 29th 2006, “to force the Canadian government to establish a reasonable time-frame for settlement of land claims.” Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation will block two railway lines going into the United States. At least six other Manitoba First Nations have vowed to block railway lines at the same time.”
For more information go to
Or contact: Thahoketoteh at, Hazel Hill at ; or Jacqueline House at
Entrevista Radial para la Brigada Tashunka Witko (Ingles-Español 32 min 35 sec)
En esta entrevista, Thahoketoteh, del Clan del Oso de la Nacion Mohawk habla sobe el conflicto que empezo hace aproximadamente tres meses. El gobierno provincial de Ontario vendio territorio Mohawk a una empresa de Estados Unidos. El pueblo Mohawk esta ocupando su tierra para prevenir su invasion.
Desde que se llevo a cabo esta entrevista varios hechos importantes han ocurrido. El Primer Ministro de canada supuestamente expreso que en este conflicto “o los que protestan en Caledonia mataran a los indigenas o los indigenas mataran a los residentes que protestan contra ellos”. La intendente de Caledonia sigue pidiendo que se mande al ejercito para sacar a los indigenas. Hubo 2 altercados el 9 de junio, uno armado para filmar a indigenas cuando reaccionaban a ataques racistas y otro en el que las fuerzas de seguridad de las 6 naciones confiscaron un vehiculo de la patrulla fronteriza de Estados Unidos – bien lejos de su jurisdiccion – donde encontraron documentos que evidencian la colaboracion entre esta agencia, la agencia estadounidense de tabaco y armas de fuego y la policia provincial de ontario, los nombres, direcciones y numeros de telefono de los agentes canadienses y estadounidenses envueltos en el caso, informacion confidencial de informantes desde el principio del conflicto, detalles sobre una base de operaciones que estan estableciendo en el area de Hamilton, lista de personas de las seis naciones y de caledonia que estan siendo investigadas, informacion sobre blancos supremacistas skinheads habrian sido traidos y pagados para actuar como provocateurs. El gobierno de Canada quiere arrestar y enjuiciar a los guerreros que cumplieron su deber durante estos incidentes.
Por ultimo, ante la declaracion del Premier de Ontario que estaba perdiendo la paciencia con los Indios de las Seis Naciones, Terrance Nelson, Jefe de Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation, declara que el ultimatum del Premier Dalton McGuinty y del Ministro de Asuntos Indios Jim Prentice que saquen las barricadas al abandonar ellos las negociaciones, es respondido con ultimatums por parte de muchas de las primeras naciones de Canada. La semana pasada 100 jefes de diferentes tribus de Canada advirtieron al gobierno que si no resolvian este conflicto de buena manera iba a haber tomas de tierra indigena por todo Canada, hoy la Union de Jefes Tribales de British Columbia, en Manitoba la Asamblea de Jefes Tribales de Manitoba, que representa 64 tribus, paso una resolucion apoyando un bloqueo ferroviario planeado para el 29 de Junio “para forzar al gobierno Canadiense a resolver estos conflictos de tierra en un tiempo razonable “. La Nacion Roseau River Anishinabe va a bloquear dos rutas ferroviarias que conectan con Estados Unidos, por lo menos 6 otras tribus de Manitoba se comprometieron a bloquear otras rutas.
Para mas informacion visita
O contacta: Thahoketoteh en, Hazel Hill en ; o Jacqueline House