An interview by of Aaron Russo about his new film, America: Freedom to Fascism. In this film Russo sets out to find the law that requires American citizens pay a direct income tax. This interview contains info about the fiat currency owned by private, for profit bank that we call "dollars". He explains how the Federal Reserve is neither 'Federal' nor has any reserves. He also gives a spot on critique of Michael Moore's Farenheit 911 . America: Freedom to Fascism is opening in USA . Also included on the radio.indymedia php page associated with this file will be a short excerpt from the inteview and the 14 min. trailer to the film.
listen for excerpts of it in the daily rotation of radioActive sanDiego
look for mp3 links to 16 min. trailer to film, and 4 minute audio clip of interview at the ".php" page on
36 min.
Interview w/ Aaron Russo about America
p.o. box 4705 San Diego Calif.
619 269 4693