Free Audiodatabase SoundSource online!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 June, 2006

SoundSource is a free accesible Sound-, Noise and Samplearchive that is specified on the publication of such files. It offers for Radio-, and Radioplay producers as well as for artists a platform that allows a free exchange for uploaders and downloaders. The access for up and download is freely possible and not connected to fees. To protect the ownerships of the productions, SoundSource uses the Creative Commons licences.

Soundsource is easy and freely open for everyone to participate or to use it. At the moment there is an english and a german version available. In a few weeks a translation tool though gets integrated, that allows to translate the whole system in other languages.

the download is free without a login, for the upload make yourself a login. for further advices or anything else fell free to contact us. the database just went online and we are still fixing some minor bugs on it.
SoundSource developement team