Radyo intelligentaboriginal New Service - IRN:6.30.2006
In a historic vote which brought a standing ovation from those present, the UN's Human Rights Council in Geneva has this week approved the text of a declaration on indigenous peoples' rights that was first discussed over twenty years ago.
The draft declaration will now move to the UN General Assembly, where member countries are expected to vote on it later this year.
If approved, the declaration would set a benchmark against which countries' treatment of tribal peoples can be judged; it is not legally binding.
The Native Blog: Fire Thunder Impeached After Abortion Controversy - I went over to check out The Native Blog and found out that Lakota Tribal President Cecelia Fire THunder was impeached for her position on Women's rights in South Dakota and her intention to open a Women's health clinic on the reservation. Evidently the far-right has found a new home in Indian Country.
This a crying shame. This woman has put up with so much in defense of Lakota rights that this last slap in the face, (and it is a slap) has sealed the destiny of all Native people in the United States forever. When prejudice against women in our societies gets to the point where American Indian Movement leader can run against Fire Thunder for the Lakota presidency claiming he should be elected over her because he is a man, makes this sort of neo-conservative coup possible.
And other news and Opinion.
Your host os the Angryindian