Mandating the Troops Home from the Corporate Wars
Catching the attention of the master race is always difficult. They are so above us all, deep in contemplation of their lies. When widows and grieving mothers interrupt the high and mighty from the delicate balance between indolence and self-absorbtion, it is beneath contempt to hear of the dead.
Counting costs is what the mighty do best. Of course, they pay other people to do that, and live on intense interest, but as they glare out of their window, high above Montgomery and Market Street in San Francisco, they see Code Pink marshalling a constant crowd. It is so rude of the meek to want to inherit anything.
Living pink, exquisite pink. Standing out in the thoroughfare so blatently, corrupting the minds of the proles with their simplicity - that the master-race has shit on their shoes.
We interview two of those hungry for justice - Rae Abileah and Sureya Sayadi, elequent in their passion and focusing on the solution. Impeachment through the California legislature, sponsored through CA Joint Resolution 36.
Running time 57 minutes