Abstractsounds, a 1+ hour journey into the worlds of electronic rhythms, jazz and ecclectic beats is featured this week on WTNRRadio.com this Wednesday. KB, the Time Traveler mixes up this popular weekly Wednesday night radio show.
This Wedneseday on abstractsounds, an exploration of your inner cool...
Host KB connects the dots in the abstraction and takes you to distraction in a manner only seen on WTNRRADIO.com. SO, if you are ready to get transported through the soundscape, tune in on Wednesday nights and give our boy a listen, you won't be the first one..
Be sure to bookmark www.wtnrradio.com in your laptop, desktop, PDA, cellphone browser and any future communication inventions that are around the corner, cause it's great to not speak and get fed like the fat cat music maven you already know you are... Besides we take no requests, we just give you every genre of sound found inside and outside the box with a terra firma bottom and a star lit lid.
Keeping in step with the greater world community, WTNR Radio broadcasts in world time, meaning whether you are in the Far East, The Seychelles, floating on the Niger river or climbing the Rocky Mountains, we are always on schedule in your neck of the woods.