Protestors visit John negroponte's house on his birthday

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 July, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 1700 AM in DC

Friday, July 21 was Intelligence Czar John Negroponte's 67th birhday. Since the victims of Battalion 316(his death squad friends in 1980's Honduras) no longer get to celebrate their birthdays, we paid him a visit at 3100 Cleveland Ave.

e night before, and one of the makers of the film is fasting with Code Pink-and spoke at the rally.

After that film, most of us weere pretty pissed off at that piece of offal John Negroponte and it shows!

Professors, students, union activists and peasants were murdered by Battalion 316, a death squad that Negroponte helped found in Honduras with his (now deceased) friend General Alvarez of Honduras.

One common method of killing used by Battalion 316 was to encase someone's legs in concrete, the drop them in the ocean from a helicopter.

Therefore, we showed up to ask johnnie boy whether the disappeared were in his basement or had been murdered.

Negroponte's methods of torture and murder are used today in Iraq, where his "Salvador Option" was no doubt introduced to sectarian death squads while he was US ambassador to iraq.

About halfway through the demo his wife came out and left the house, sarcasticly trying to stir us up all the way to her ride. Perhaps Johnnie boy couldn't get it up on his birthday because of our protest?