Alex Jones declares on his Infowars radio show that he will NOT sell DVDs from the 24-hour press conference from "his" American Scholars Symposium: 9/11 and the Neocon Agenda, at the Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Lost Angeles, Mexico, er, California.
American Scholars Symposium censors itself
Don't we have enough problems without shooting Indy media in the mouth?
by John Lee
Pirate News TV
The ASS Con on 24-25 June was the largest "press conference" yet for reporting 9/11 Truth. College professors, a Congressional candidate and USAF fighter pilot, a WTC hero, a WTC pro blogger TV host, news radio jocks, Hollywood directors and actors, and the world's richest home builder spoke in Los Angeles to a packed house of 1,200 truthseekers. Thousands more were turned away, due to inability to afford a stadium to seat everyone.
It was a great 24-hour nonstop press conference, without the press. Essentially, it was nothing more than the usual radio preachers preaching to their choir. Now it's up to bloggers and webmasters to tell the Truth, as usual, but only for folks who know how to google. CSPAN, CNN and BBC were there, but their minders banned and censored all their broadcasts. No local TV news coverage in LA. No live radio coverage - not even from the talk hosts present, who report the 9/11 Truth every day on Genesis Communications Network and Republic Broadcasting Network. No real print coverage. Typical disinfo psyops by censorship. That's why God invented cheap videocams and CATV.
CSPAN TV attended 1.5 hours of this event on 25 June 2006, and is finally scheduled to broadcast that limited coverage on Wednesday, 26 July 2006, at 8pm EST.
This panel discussion is already posted online:
QUESTION: "I don't get video streaming, my internet connection isn't good enough. Are you gonna come out with a DVD of the Conference?"
ALEX JONES: "That is on the burner, to do. We're finishing up the official Terrorstorm, that should be ready in about two and a half weeks. As soon as that's done, I frankly think the Bilderberg footage I got is more important. But I may try to make both films simultaneously, a Bilderberg film slash American Union film, and then also might put together a double CD set of four hours of the Conference."
— Radio, July 20/21, 2006
Official video download page:
911 Con: ORDER bootleg DVDs of all 24 hours of American Scholars Symposium…
Some of the videos posted so far were sabotaged by a suspected LAPD undercover copster or fire inspector sitting on the video platform and shaking it on purpose while blocking the fire escape. Roidhead refused to move when video crews repeatedly told him to, because it was shaking the videocams so bad. There were plenty of available seats. That was obviously his mission for Uncle Scam, since CNN, BBC and CSPAN were all there.
To be fair, perhaps the reason CSPAN has refused to broadcast its videotapes, and why network TV and local TV have refused to attend this event, is due to Alex Jones' and Kevin Smith's insistance that all video crews sign a contract promising to never resell their videotapes. Video crews are banned from broadcasting ANY press conferences from this event, by limiting their videos to 30 minutes, which is only 1/2 to 1/3rd the length of a press conference. This contract ensures that no TV production company will ever broadcast a 9/11 press conference, since their lawyers will never allow them to sign such a contract.
All local and national TV news companies resell their broadcast via videotapes of all news programs, at a cost of at least $30 per hour per tape.
This contract with Alex Jones also forbids any TV crew from broadcasting the entire event, for free. Repeated attempts by PNTV to contact ASS before the event, for permission to broadcast the entire event, were met with denials. When TV crews spend $1,500 per person to attend a press conference, it makes no sense to be banned from broadcasting their work, so why attend? This ain't no sports event, with exclusive TV broadcast rights for advertising revenue. This is a homicide investigation, and attempt to save this nation - and save the world.
PNTV is the only video producer to renegotiate those contracts, at the event, with signed contracts with each individual speaker, and with the agent for Alex Jones, to allow full broadcast on CATV. No other media outlet jumped through that legal hoop. CTV Corporation in Knoxville demands its producers sign contracts waivering all right to broadcast "outside content" on Cable Access TV, which censors all broadcast of productions by Alex Jones, and by 100s of other great truthtellers.
Knoxville's CTV is owned by Scripps Howard COMCAST ATT. Mr. Scripps and Mr. Howard are members of Bohemian Club, so this contract bans CTV broadcasting Alex Jones' Dark Secrets Inside The Bohemian Grove.
Other CATV owners are adopting this policy of censorship via CATV contracts, for example, Time Warner in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Thus the 9/11 Con can only be broadcast in the Knoxville market if PNTV does the camerawork.
Dozens of alternative video crews recorded the entire 24-hour press conference, most using $5,000 videocams in HDV, requiring broadcast quality computer systems to edit the high-resolution video files. But according to their media contracts, none are allowed to broadcast their hard work, reducing their costly efforts to mere home videos.
What's needed is for these lone videographers to pool their video, archive it online, with high-resolution raw WMV video files on the free Indy servers, such as, suitable for copyright-free download and re-edit by broadcast studios, to create a free worldwide indy television network. Even if the Media Mafia chooses to ignore this almost-live video feed, Cable Access TV producers like PNTV can broadcast this news in every major city in USA.
Most, if not all, of these alternative media journalists were required to pay $75 for tickets to attend this press conference. Such a requirement ensures that no TV crew will attend an event they have to buy tickets for. What benefit is a "press pass" if journalists are treated as mere spectators, without any right to report a story? American Scholars Symposium, judging by its website, has no intention of selling DVDs of its 9/11 Con. Likewise, Alex Jones of apparently has no intention of selling DVDs of his own 9/11 Con, judging by removal of links to the store at, and no mention of 9/11 Con DVDs on his radio show. Jones only promotes his old version of Terrorstorm, as shown at the 911 Con. Then he went on vacation to the beach. WTF?
Many hours research on the web, and listening to a lucky interview by Dr Steven Jones on RBN Radio, turned up a buried but unmentionable link to Justice Television, on Apparently, Justice Television is providing the ONLY DVDs of the American Scholars Symposium. Dr Jones complained that even his superstar report on Thermite was buried on the Scholars for 911 Truth website. The same website that censored Eric Hufschmid, who wrote the most professional book on 9/11 so far. Although Hufschmid was webmaster for, he was not allowed to link to his own website, where his videos were posted online for free download. Hufschmid is censored by the Zionist Jews, Zionist Christian oxymorons and Zionist Communist Atheists, for reporting the obvious indisputable fact that dozens of Jews perped the 9/11 terrorist massacres.
Alex Jones profited by $100,000 gross during this event, so why censor TV crews from broadcasting the event, which is worth $1,000,000s of free publicity? Sure, Jones has $10,000s in regular monthly bills to fire up his transmitters and internet servers, and to pay payrole for his radio, CATV and web crew. PNTV broadcasts to 110,000 homes in Knox County, on Channels 6 & 12, worth $100,000s if sold on the advertising market. All the more reason to benefit from the free publicity of a nationwide media blitz. Who was giving Jones this bad legal advice?
WTC survivor William Rodriguez has contracted with a personal agent, who forces him to sign a contract forbidding all interviews without paying a large fee, of an unknown amount. This would require an expensive team of lawyers to negotiate these expensive contracts. His contract will also result in total censorship of his story from all TV networks, who all demand the legal right to sell videos of their news broadcasts. Who gave him this bad legal advice? Charlie Sheen's Hollywood lawyers may also have insisted upon such waivers from the media reporters.
That's like the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund forcing "beneficiaries" to sign contracts forbiding future litigation, in return for accepting a million dollar bribe, er, settlement. Before the checks arrive, the potential beneficiaries cower in fear of "saying the wrong thing", as if that will ruin their "insurance" claims. After all, look what happened to Ellen Mariani, whose ex-lawyer Phil Berg, who is Rodriguez' current lawyer, was scheduled to speak on his current RICO terror case vs Bush, but was a no-show.
A better solution is to ban all 9/11 speakers who insist upon journalists signing contracts and paying fees, rather than queer the deal, or no deal with journos.
The 9/11 conference in Chicago, earlier that same month in June, also required news crews to sign similar contracts, as condition for issuance of a press pass.
What should have happened:
Since independent alternative journalists were forbidden by contract from covering this event, Alex Jones' team of video and web experts should have posted online ALL 12 hours per day of video, at the conclusion of each day's press conference. The videotape of each segment should have should have been captured and edited by laptop computer in their hotel room, then uploaded instantly to the Indymedia websites for instant international distribution for free. Print journalists anywhere in the world could then watch the event in time for print deadlines, and take direct quotes from the speakers, almost in real-time. High-resolution video would be uploaded to, suitable for instant download and broadcasting by TV networks anywhere in the world. This is virtually as good as live TV converage, but without the need for million-dollar satellite upload trucks.
This is how the alternative media can outflank the multinational anti-American Media Mafia. This is the ONLY way to outflank the Media Mafia.
After 24 hours, news is no longer timely for TV networks and daily newspapers, so instant gratification is mandatory, if a press conference is to be covered by the press. However, PNTV is very interested in obtaining all video from the 9/11 Con. Contact John Lee ASAP, who will post the contact info and links for all interested 9/11 Indy video producers, on PNN - the Pirate News Network.
Two weeks after the event, most videos were still not posted on the 9/11 Con's official website. Google Video has more 9/11 Con videos posted than the 9/11 Con website. Nor were they all posted on Alex Jones' pay-per-view CATV website, at PrisonPlanet.TV. There's no need to post fancy editing tricks, just post the facts, unedited and unmixed. Include some or all of the audience questions, since it gives a rare gauge of public outrage, and some of the questions were dead on target. And I waited 6 months for my PrisonPlanet.TV subsciption to start, since I paid to renew it in December 2005. I consider it an educational expense for CATV School.
Was Alex Jones just overwhelmed with the nuts and bolts of running this press conference? It was certainly a huge effort on his part, even with his team of helpers. Did Jones make these mistakes in good faith?
Future 9/11 press conferences MUST learn from these mistakes. Unless, of course, the COINTELPRO disinfo agents want to censor those events from TV and print, and have already infiltrated the 9/11 Truth media. Just like they've already infiltrated the 9/11 Dream Teams of trial lawyers, prosecuting lawyers, judicial lawyers, political lawyers and pro se prosecuting lawyers (aka "cops"). This is the admitted game plan for the New World Order to overthrow USA, by protecting the guilty domestic terrorists from arrest and prosecution.
"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
—William Colby, Director CIA, assassinated 60,000 people via CIA Death Squads in Vietnam Wars with Phoenix Project ("drowned" in a suspicious "canoe crash" while cooking dinner in Washington DC, the night before testifying to Congress about Bush Sr's Iran-Contra narcoterrorist bombings)
"There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows."
—Katharine Graham, chairman of Washington Post Company, lecturing CIA agents at CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia (promoted after the previous chairman, her husband Philip, allegedly murdered himself)
The "alternative media" is now enforcing a serious challenge to the Media Mafia for control of the ether. Have the CIA, Mossad and MI6 already seized control of the alternative journalists, via their usual techniques of bribery, extortion and murder? Gary Webb, Hunter Thompson and NY Times' ENRON editor are just 3 of at least 4-dozen journalists assassinated by the Bush Gang since 2001, in this current Civil war for control of USA.
BBC TV, CNN TV and CSPIN all sent camera crews to cover 5% of the speakers. British Reuters, New York Times and the Washington Post did their professional best to censor all topics from their sheeple, as if mere mention of existance of an event qualifies as "news reporting". Actual reporting of events thus falls upon the narrow shoulders of unpaid prosumer video crews and bloggers, as usual. Even KPFK FM Pacifica Mexican corporate radio in Los Angeles apparently failed to report on the ASS Con, while selling 9/11 DVDs at 400% markup, in its $1-million panhandle drive. Pacifica's Divine Forces hiphop did hammer LA with 9/11 Truth music and rants, a breath of sanity in the land of fruits and nuts. But Pacifica's million-dollar 9/11 blitz ended that same weekend, and the 9/11 DVDs were removed from its website.
The most professional coverage of the 24 hours press conference was by its host Alex Jones, host of Infowars Radio. Jone's crew - or somebody's crew - manned the multiple videocams broadcast inside the ballroom to the audience via 2 big-screens. LA's own Anthony Hilder was the only producer to bring his own TV studio for interviews of 9/11 superstars. Unfortunately, part of the Sheraton's ceiling fell, knocking unconscious his camera crew while interviewing yours truly. Like being trapped in an episode of The Twilight Zone - FOR REAL. And my underpaid camera crew of me, myself and I had a short circuit between the headsets, with intermittant mike malfunctions throughout the weekend. At least I was able to repair my computer harddrive's boot crash upon my return to Kville, using only a vaccuum cleaner and free internet repair charts.
Mishpucka Mafia vs 9/11 Truth
Subject: Google Video upload successful!
Date: Thu 07/13/06 09:45 PM
Thank you for uploading your video to Google Video. The video can now be viewed.
Google Video: "Your video has been rejected"
"Your video 'Jimmy Walter at American Scholars Symposium' was rejected because it didn't comply with our Program Policies. Videos submitted to our program are subject to an initial review to ensure that they comply with our guidelines. When videos do not meet our standards, we disapprove them."
"I have a signed contract to videotape Jimmy Walter. I have a signed contract to videotape Anthony Hilder, plus I supplied this video to be included in his next documentary movie. I have a signed contract with American Scholars Symposium, where I filmed this video at their public press conference in Los Angeles last month, where CNN, CSPAN and BBC also videotaped. Are you censoring this video for some other reason? If so, then please state the specific reason why you are censoring this video from the public."
-John Lee, executive producer, PIRATE NEWS TV
"Hi John,
Thanks for your email. We appreciate you contacting us about your video. We apologize if the disapproval was made in error. We reversed the decision made on your video and it should now be live in our index. For your convenience, we have included the link to your video below. We appreciate your patience during this process.
The Google Video Team"
Anthony Hilder, a videomaker not employed by the 9/11 Con, interviewed Jimmy Walter. Walter is heir to the largest home building empire in the world, who invested $10-million of his own money to buy advertising from the Media Mafia, as bribes to do their jobs and report the facts of 9/11. Hilder volunteered for a Walter safari to interview 7 of the surviving suicide bombers from 9/11/2001. When asked about Eric Hufschmid's excellent book (by far the best so far), and his 9/11 videos, Jimmy admitted, "Eric has come up against a conspiracy by the Zionists, who blackballed him," his punishment for discussing Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks (as reported by Fox TV), and for reporting the fact that less than 6-million "Jews" died in THE Holocaust (when even the curator of the Polish Holcaust Museum at Aushwitz testified that millions less than 6-million died).
Visit Pirate News for photos and video downloads from this adventure in combat jounalism: