radio Antifascista - Particles of Interest - radioActive sanDiego

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 July, 2006
dj lotu5

This week I interview Ricardo Dominguez and Amy Carroll about their project Particles of Interest: Tales from the Matter Market, which will be presented at ISEA 2006 and which deals with the dangers of nanotechnology and Particle Capitalism // Este semana hablo con Ricardo Dominguez y Amy Carroll sobre sys proyecto nuevo Particles of Interest: Tales from the Matter Market que tratar las amenazas de nanotechnologia y Capitalismo del Particulo.

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From the FAQ:

What is Particle Capitalism?

We are no longer under the sign of natural selection, artificial selection or even informatic selection —we are now under the force of particle selection. Everything on the planet, from indigenous aromas to public spaces to our atoms, is now forced to march into the Intellectual Property filters of globalization. Communication and evolution are little more than informatic-commoditization systems now. The neoliberal matrix that started to emerge fully in the 90’s has played itself out on three stages: digital/Virtual Capitalism, genetic/Clone Capitalism and nanotechnology/Particle Capitalism. Each of these stages of technocapital are being integrated via a new “deep harmonization” of the global Intellectual Property agenda: copyright laws, trademark laws and patent laws. A process that starts in the research chambers and ends in ownership enclosures, from patenting technology to patenting life, from patenting information to patenting atom-based reality.

From one trans_patent:

"Strike when the iron is hot: the spot bubbles to the surface—red-faced—some malicious, illicit strawberry, singed below a soft cap of hair, I discover it there by accident, demand an explanation. Vague mumblings of scalp stimulation, postpartum emotion in high gear. I dream of an embedded chip, my son’s induction into the matter market."