home made show number 7 & 8

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 September, 2006
thanner and faffs

home made returns in typical mediocre fassion with both thanner and faffs back from vay-kay. This show is an amalgum of two shows, the first one recorded on 8-16-06, featured duncan and dawn as a speical guests, though only the first thirty minutes were recorded and I don't think that dawn was in the studio at the thirty minute mark, so i don't think she's on that show at all. There will be much lamenting of this recording failure on the second show, recorded sep 2 and featuring two live songs by faffs and neti, some stories from ielle and stall, a pretty song from the finches, and finished off by a most fanominal 6 minute opus of home made friendshipal musicality sent to thanner by oliver brown. The whole thing might last an hour and a half. radioactivesandiego radioactive sandiego