A special live Enemy Combatant Radio broadcast from the conference to Stop Privatization and Contracting Out being held today in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.
The threat of privatization and contracting out of work is growing at a rapid rate. The plan of the Bush administration to privatize 850,000 federal jobs and the ongoing privatization of thousands of jobs in San Francisco and the Bay Area must be confronted. From the San Francisco Presidio, the Edison Project in the schools, the U.S. postal service, Air Traffic Controllers, Golden Gate Park, UCSF and a myriad of other areas, our communities are under attack. NAFTA and the FTAA enforce these policies and the WTO/IMF & World Bank are actively pushing to implement them in every country of the world.
At present, most working people and members of the public are unaware of the real dangers of privatization, contracting out and deregulation. We need to begin to build a national campaign that unites not only all of labor but the communities. In San Francisco at the Golden Gate Park, gardeners are being replaced by volunteers. Millionaire William Hellman is pushing city planners out of McClaren Lodge and replacing them with high paid consultants. At the US post office, non-union Federal Express is now moving more of the mail and destroying postal jobs.
The Bush administration with the support of the Congress has now eliminated labor rights for 170,000 Federal workers, and is contracting out tens of thousands of military jobs as well as air traffic controllers, National Park workers and a myriad of other positions. Millionaire Donald Fisher who is on the Board of the Presidio and the State Board of Education has been pushing the Edison Project and other plans to privatize the schools as well as the parks. In the city of San Francisco, the Zoo has been privatized and laundry operations at Laguna Hospital are threatened with privatization. Even in Stockton, water privatization has been threatened by OMI Thames. Gov. Schwarzenegger has demanded major wage cuts of state employees or he threatens to contract out thousands of jobs to his corporate pals. We want your reports at the conference so we can arm ourselves in the upcoming struggles...