London bomb sensation (hoffman sub dub the samo samo)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 September, 2006

"Sabotage," which up to that time had been applied unconsciously and
instinctively by the workers, with the popular name which has remained
attached to it begins in 1895 to receive its baptism, its theoretical
consecration and to take its place amongst the other means of social
warfare, recognised, approved, advocated and practiced by the labour
unions. -- e. pouget -- "Sabotage"

--now may we ask if this is right? is this moral and just?
of course,
if it be true that labour produces everything…--

tossin kicks in engines of menticide
cuz they ain’t no thang

lord patch vs david patrick & the london bomb sensation

music: david patrick

lyrics and version lord patch & the london bomb sensation


The Way The Wind Blew, by Ron Jacobs

Weatherman, ed. by Harold Jacobs, a collection of documents by and about SDS/Weatherman.