FBI chased "Elves" while 9/11 plot simmered, and Katrina is the Other 9/11.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 September, 2006
WSQT Radio 1700 AM in DC

One of the reasons 9/11 happened is that an FBI agent was told in Summer 2001 to ignore 14 Saudis in a flight school who did no want to learn how to land and to chase the Earth Liberation Front instead

What was Bush doing at that time-reading verses from My Pet Goat(the book he was reading to a class on Sep 11) like it was the Koran?

Not only did Bush and his FBI fail to stop 9/11, they also failed to do anything about bglobal warming, so we got Hurricane Katrina almost exacftly 4 years later.

Katrina was nearly as deadly as 9/11, and caused incomparably greater property damage. Like 9/11, Katrina is a mad-made disaster iof the scientists are right about global warming.

Of course, Bush's response to Katrina was far different than his response to 9/11! He did not go to New Orleans, stand on a roof surrounded by floodwaters, and swear vengeance against the coal and oil barons. He never once vowed to use the Marines, the Army, and the Special Forces to blast those responsible for global warming out of their holes.

Of course, given that Bush's responses to 9/11 have made the NEXT 9/11 far more likely, it is just as well that he did not. Support for Israel in Lebanon, the war on Iraq, and wholesale war on the Middle East have probably bred ten more enemies for every one Bush has managed to kill.

Bush's responses to 9/11 are like dealing with Hurricane Katrina by instituting massive subsidies for the coal and oil industry!