Radio LavaLamp Update

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 November, 2003
Otis Owl

Osaka-based webcast's latest schedule.

Hour 0

Sonic Boom Radio #13 & 14: A double-dose of Dr. Boom and his eclectic musical program. #13 features a variety of electronica & #14, jazz.

Hour 1

Purple Nucleus of Creation #2: DJ Frederick . An oldie but goody.

An assortment of mellow ethereal vibrations. Originally webcast in February 2002.

***To correspond with DJ Frederick (and to receive a cool QSL/verification card), sendinfo on program details heard via Radio LavaLamp to:

PO Box 69, Elkhorn, NE

68022 USA.

PopDefect Radio: Women's antiwar music. Independant Antiwar Music mix featuring Women artists.

Skidmark Bob / Free Radio Santa Cruz.

Hour 2

Between The Lines: Weekly non-corporate controlled news from WPKN. Updated 27 November

Making Contact: "The Intimate Ecology of Motherhood." National Radio Project.

Updated 20 November.

Hour 3

Changesurfer Radio: Interview with John Furlong, a naturopathic physician.

Drs. Furlong and J. chat about life extension, science, marijuana and brain protection. Updated 9 November.

UN Calling Asia: Programs 44 & 45 of UN Radio's weekly Asian news magazine. Includes info on the Sasakawa Environment Prize and the W.H.O. preparation for the possible return of SARS.

Hour 4

Radio Free School: "The John Holt Legacy" (Part two of two) Program for Un-school learners. Volunteer-produced. Thanks to RFS/CFMU.

Hour 4:30

Octophobia: Another hour-long trek into the experimental. Admittedly strange

at certain points, but that's why it's here.

Hour 5:30

Taburatura Tapes 2A: Another of the long-lost tapes of Japanese world music band have resurfaced at Radio LavaLamp. Recorded in the early 1990's.

This is program 3 of 6.

Hour 6

World Rythms: Selection of World & World Fusion with an Asian base as an emphasis.

Hour 7

RadioRadio: Stephen Erickson has produced perhaps the best documentaries heard on radio in the past twenty-five years and garnered numerous awards

in the process (most significantly a Gramy for his audio work on Ken Burns's

series The Civil War). His Radio Radio program features samples from his programs Forbidden Voyage, The Exile of Braten Braten Bach, Airworks and

The Blue Wall of Silence: the New York Police Department. Thanks to UBUWEB Radio.

Hour 7:45

Hokkaido Report: The invaluable experiences of a foreign-owned small business in Japan. Glenn Burns interviews Yvan Chatrand.

More updates coming this weekend (Nov 28-29)

To listen, Live 365 requires a 1-time free registration process. Registration link can be found on the Radio LavaLamp web page.