NCRWQB mtg. Dec. 3, 03 - Fortuna, CA - RE: watershed quality in Humboldt Co.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 November, 2003

Update and Direction to Staff on Work Efforts in the Five Humboldt County Watersheds. Wednesday, December 3, 2003, 8:30am, Riverlodge in Fortuna

North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting

Wednesday, December 3, 2003, 8:30am

River Lodge in Fortuna, CA, USA

Update and Direction to Staff on Work Efforts in the Five Humboldt County Watersheds.

A. Update on work efforts in five Humboldt County Watersheds. (Mark Neely 30 min)

B. Regional Board Direction to Staff on the Findings of the Independent Scientific Review Panel Phase I and Phase II Reports on Sediment Impairment and Effects on Beneficial Uses of the Elk River and Stitz, Bear, Jordan and Freshwater Creeks. (Holly Lundborg)

a. Staff presentation of Regional Board Options (60 min)

b. Public comment. Limited to no more than 90 minutes, allocated as follows:

i. Pacific Lumber Company, 20 minutes

ii. Humboldt Watershed Council/Freshwater Working Group, Environmental Protection Information Center, 20 minutes

iii. Governmental Agencies, 15 minutes

iv. Other potentially affected members of the regulated public, 15 minutes

v. Public Comment, 20 minutes

(No person will be permitted to comment under more than one category. All persons desiring to address the Board are required to fill out a speaker card. The Chair may then determine the number of persons who wish to speak on any one item.)

C. Board discussion and direction to staff. (In addition to having public dialogue on the policy issues raised by this item, the Board may choose to exercise its discretion to deliberate on legal matters concerning this and ongoing related cases in closed session, before giving direction to staff (see authorities cited in item 18(c) and (e)(iii)(iv)&(v) below).)

Attached is a mp3 of a commercial by local residents seeking assistance and help for public input regarding the agenda above. It's only the audio format of the commercial.