best cropped photo of Lenny Bruce frisked

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 September, 2006
he who is known as sefton

notice about how cropping a photo showing Lenny Bruce being frisked made it much more powerful.

Please return to this e.mail, after perusing the promised photo of Lenny Bruce. The photo can be brought up by clicking on the hyperlink just below:

click here first ===> Lenny Bruce frisked

or cut and paste the following u.r.l:

And thank you for returning.

As the old bromide goes, "it ain't braggin', ef'fen you can do it."

First off, I must acknowledge that none of the academic institutions I attended ever awarded me a degree in aesthetic photography. Nonetheless, I want to elucidate the structures that infuse that photo with such power.

In the upper left hand corner, the eye spots the cop's badge. Seemingly, it furnishes the illumination for Lenny's wry face. In the lower right hand corner, his left hand is shown "bleeding" off the picture. Unprompted, the eye is impelled to regard those three points of interest as vertices of a triangle. By the way, even as geometry, a triangle confers intense power.

The three silvery buttons on the cop's sleeve, in the parlance of painters, "answer" the dark button on Lenny's jacket. Between those two points of interest, the eye is impelled to draw a line. Here's the thing. That line crosses a side of the aforementioned triangle, forming an "X", squarely centered on Lenny.

. . . nobody should be surprised, when this photo starts showing on kids' tee shirts.

Oh, by the bye, this is something I was told by a couple guys, who make their living as advertising illustrators. The attitude of Lenny's illuminated face with his outstretched arms is reminiscent of Renaissance crucifixion paintings.

. . . oh, alright (!) already, maybe I did take the scenic route to get to the hyperlink I'm hoping you'll click on next. My only defense, I was advised to provide the reader with some credentials.

Anyway, here's that second hyperlink



Susquehanna Depot, Pennsylvania