possible story, i'm sure we could interview someone
Dedicated to Nonviolent Defense of the Yuba River
Community To Show Support for Yuba Nation Activist
WHEN: 6 PM, Tuesday, February 20
WHERE: Wayne Brown Correctional Facility, 925 Maidu Ave., Nevada City, California
WHY: Last month, five members of Yuba Nation -- a nonviolent direct action group -- were convicted of criminal charges for their protests against Sierra Pacific Industries' (SPI) clearcutting in the Sierra Nevada. As a result of those convictions, Yuba Nation activists were ordered to pay restitution to the logging contractor and steep fines. In addition, the activists are required to work for Nevada County as part of a work release program and were put on two years probation -- or until the fines and restitution are paid in full. One Yuba Nation member, Brian Vincent, requested jail time instead of work release to further elevate the issue of industrial logging and will be incarcerated in the Wayne Brown Correctional Facility from February 17-27. He will refuse food while in jail.
When SPI threatened to log along the Yuba River last year, few had ever heard of the timber company. In fact, for the last several years, SPI has operated below the radar screen, quietly acquiring land, then plotting to clearcut much of it. SPI, which now owns 1.5 million acres in California, has become the second largest private landowner in the U.S. Vincent's decision to give up his freedom is symbolic of the sacrifices people throughout the Sierra Nevada are making to stop SPI's clearcutting rampage.
INTERVIEWS: Mr. Vincent will be available for media interviews while he is incarcerated. For in-person interviews, Mr. Vincent will be available to meet with press Tuesday, February 20, 3-4 PM. For phone interviews, Mr. Vincent will be available Tuesday, February 20, 2-3PM. Please call the Wayne Brown Correctional Facility at 530/265-1291 to make arrangements for interviews. Mr. Vincent requests that media cooperate fully with the facility by arranging interviews for only those times indicated above. He will also be available for interviews prior to his incarceration.
Carson McCann, Yuba Nation, 530/265-7366, gardaland666@yahoo.com
Bob Stewart, 530/265-6348, ibobeye@hotmail.com
Brian Vincent
American Lands*
240 Commercial Street
Nevada City, CA 95959