This is the first broadcast of Radio Sanctuary, the "Hour of Power" with Abdelkader Belaouni. Belaouni is a non-status Algerian refugee who has been in sanctuary in a church in Montreal for the last 10 months to avoid deportation.
Abdelkader Belaouni ("Kader" to his friends) is a refugee from Algeria who came to Montreal via the USA. Kader is in sanctuary inside the St-Gabriel's Catholic Church in his community of Point St-Charles -- a mixed French-English poor working class neighborhood of Montreal, with a long history of community mobilization.
Kader defied an order to be deported on January 5, 2006, and has remained in sanctuary ever since.
CKUT is a community radio station proudly embedded in movements for social justice, particularly those of migrants in Montreal. Since Kader cannot leave the church, CKUT radio will join him inside the sanctuary of St-Gabriel's Church, in the heart of Point St-Charles.