Will the "Terminator", Terminate a real human being...?

By Anonymous (not verified) , 5 February, 2004
ted... (I didn't do it)

Yup, I'm serious... A real person will die (Feb-10th) unless, you'd better do something.

Make a phone call...!

save a life...!

Califoria still has a DEATH-PENALTY...

That very penalty is used to "clean-the-streets" of blacks & all undesirable characters....!

------- a simple phone call...? ------

Far from it.

Mumia-Abu-Jamal doesn't think so either.

(audio-file attached)

It's time for YOU to make a phone-call,

and save "somebodies" life.

------- When Governer Swarts 'n' Actor was elected -----

Swarts'n'Actor said he'd look into the Califoria Buget.

He said he'd hire some people, and check the "REAL" figures...ect

He needs to do the SAME-THING regarding death sentances.

------ People are going to die ----------

do some research,

quickly you'll find evidance of police acting OUTSIDE THE LAW...!

They've planted eveidance, frammed people, lied in court etc.... (news-papers were full of stories..."cops going to jail... perjury etc.)

Califoria's legal system is in question....!

-------- You need to call Gov-Terminator -----

He needs to hold / hault all excutions & review the NEXT FEW CASES...!

He didn't feel good about the buget-numbers, (he was given before becoming govener), he shouldn't feel good about this case either...!

He shouldn't feel good

about taking another HUMAN'S life,

at least, until he has the chance to review the case.

(re: eye-witnesses..?)

-------- OK so I lost my words here --------


---- Will the Terminator terminate a real human-beings... ----- with-out looking into the case first.....????? ----

YOU GOT 5-DAY's to make him "slow-down the killing machine" ....!

Dear Mr. Terminator.

Please check into this case.

You DON'T need to carry this Karma.

Slow-down the killing machinie until it's reviewed....!

------ You need a VERY-GOOOD-REASON to kill somebody -------

You'd better know what's is about to happen in your name....! (BEFORE IT HAPPENS. )

Review the case

ted... (Ps. I liked the guy's style... checking into the things done, in his NAME,,,,, before they are done...! )

review this case buddy...