Mindwalk 51: Bin-Bush, Belafonte & A Gut Feeling

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 September, 2006
Upstart Radio America

Devo sets the pace with a Gut Feeling mixed with a Dem from Ohio Tim Ryan making a few good points. First Cause echoes Eisenhower canvassed by Shock and Awe and Bush attempting to explain the US does not bomb innocent women and children to achieve an objective.

Mindwalk 51: Bin-Bush, Belafonte & A Gut Feeling

Mindwalk may or may-not contain EXPLICIT CONTENT. licensed broadcasters should air during SAFE HARBOR.

Devo sets the pace with a Gut Feeling mixed with a Dem from Ohio Tim Ryan making a few good points. First Cause echoes Eisenhower canvassed by Shock and Awe and Bush attempting to explain the US does not bomb innocent women and children to achieve an objective. Keith O wants a rhetorical apology to music better set to a Price is Right soundtrack. Actually, I just wanted something cheesy so I could use Bush as maracas sfx. It makes me laugh. ;-P Harry Belafonte on the other-hand, serves as a true patriot. One who offers a reminder to stay awake. Speaking from an International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration visit http://www.bushcommission.org/ Next! CNN with Wolf, Soledad, Mike Ware, Tom Waits and GWB in an Oily Night. A classic Benfrank.net MLK mix on his objection to the Vietnam War entitled "Truth". Finally, a few minutes with Noam Chomsky on freedoms not granted, but won.

TRT 29:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3

Credits: Devo, Rep. Tim Ryan (D) Ohio, First Cause, Fox News Shock and Awe coverage, Butti 49, Keith Olbermann, Peter Gabriel, Harry Belafonte, Tom Waits, CNN, Soledad O'Brien, Michael Ware, Martin Luther King Jr., Bandini, Noam Chomsky
