MSNBC TV news broadcast from soon after Sept 11, 2001
Sir Donald Rumsfeld Knight of the British Empire complains that USAF pilots can shoot down hijacked airliners. F16 pilot declares USAF pilots will shoot down US airliners. AFTER 9/11, USAF pilots were again given the normal protocol of shooting down any airliner as needed, without permission from Rumsfeld nor Cheney nor Jr Bush, reversing the recent change before 9/11, where only Rumsfeld, Cheney or Bush could give permission.
As the NORAD ATC tapes now prove, the White House refused permission to shoot down the hijacked airliners on 9/11. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta testified to 911 Commission that Cheney gave orders to refuse permission for USAF pilots or ground-based missile launchers to shoot down "American Airlines Flight 77" (or whatever it was) that hit the Pentagon.
Lt Col Rick Gibney told Col Donn de Grand Pre that he shot down "Flight 93" using 2 Sidewinder missiles, which explains why debris was spread over 8 miles, and no bodies nor wreckage were recovered at the "official" crash site, which is now the site of the GIANT BOXCUTTER MEMORIAL TOMBSTONE LANDFILL DUMP. World Trade Center victims are likewise buried in Fresh Kills Landfill, after shredding from 10,000s of explosives and Thermate firebombs preinstalled in the Twin Towers and WTC7.
Wav PCM codec 22 khz
If anyone wants to convert to MP3, then repost here
An extra clip is downloadable from the Flight 93 webpage, if you have the Wav codec at 8 khz:…………