Selective Service

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 February, 2004

The draft may start in the summer of 2005.

There are twin bills pending in both chambers of the US

legislature (S 89 and HR 163) to fund the Selective

Service System (SSS) with an additional $28 million

dollars so the draft can be reinstated June 15, 2005.

According to Project Censored, SSS must give president Bush a report on March 31, 2005 on how the now dormant system, will be ready for reinstatement. Additionally, the Pentagon has quietly begun to fill the 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board positions around the US..

Finally other laws and treaties are being put in place to

stop many from avoiding service. The "Smart Border Declaration," signed in December 2001, will make leaving for Canada difficult draft allegible men and women. For those whom may wish to use college as an escape, underclassmen would only be able to postpone service until the end of their semester. Seniors would have until the end of that academic year.

For more information on this topic please contact Project

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