The utter hypocrisy of Rep Mark Foley could not have been revealed at a better time for opponents of the Neocon agenda. The same Mark Foley that voted for sex offense registration laws that can trap Gay men making out in parks is now found with his (ahem!) hands in the cookie jar.
There is a long tradition of closeted Republican Congressmen voting for and authoring anti-sex and anti-Gay legislation. Remember Bob Bauman, who voted for every anti-Gay bill he saw until he got caught with a boy outside the Chesapeake House(a Gay strip joint I used to hang out in) in the 1970's? Foley has now continued this shameful tradition of utter lies and hypocrisy.
I think there's more to this scandal than just E-mails form one Congressman! Where there's smoke there's fire, and the smoke from this fire stinks of hypocrisy.
The audio piece is set to an old Doors song(a cover of an even older blues) called "back door man!"
Appropriate, as Speaker of the House Dennis Hastart is trying to close his back door-to cover his ass-as word gets out he knew for months about this.
Hay Mr Foley-what brand of yellow raincoat would you like-a London Fog? ALL Republicans are going to need those yellow raincoats for the heavy weather ahead in the polls for November. Fundie Christian voters will stay home in revulsion, and the rest of the world will reap the benefits of this