saturday february 28th 2004

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 February, 2004
V r i j e R a d i o .T K


for Koekoeroe Reedio FM 97.4 Leiden

Boerhaavelaan 345 ("Eurodusnie"), 5 min. from trainstation Leiden CS. Entry fee: voluntary donation.


8 pm Hall open.

8.30 pm Talkshow with people from various free radio's. Moderator: 'de Puike Prediker'. Theme: meaning, current situation and future of free radio.

9.30 pm Poetry: a.o.. 'A Love Supreme'; Werner, the 'Leiden Bob Dylan'; infotainment 'aik & wouter'.

11 pm Bands: Consider Phlebas (emorock), LA Farmers (punkrock), DJ's.