Dahr Jamail discusses journalists being mistreated by US occupation forces. (article 1)
Dahr Jamail discusses journalists being mistreated by US occupation forces.
A snippet from a longer interview in WHUS' Regime Change Radio.
"I personally have gone up to a scene to take a photo of a HMWVV
that was hit and they threatened to take my camera and break it
if I took a picture."
"There was a Knight Ridder photographer over on the Tigris river
a week ago, and he was shot at by a plainclothes CIA member, and
he went up to the bank and said 'hey look, I'm an American why are
you doing this, I'm on your side.'
"and the CIA man said, 'no, what are you doing for your country.
you just need to know that we're watching you."
"I'm aware that most people in America don't really know these specific
stories of what's going on here, as far as the journalists being more
endangered by the occupation forces as well."