Community in Unity is a coalition of concerned residents and organizations that came together to ensure that:
No jail and no power plant
are built at Oak Point,
a 28-acre site in Hunts Point
Community in Unity is a coalition of concerned residents and organizations that came together to ensure that:
No jail and no power plant
are built at Oak Point,
a 28-acre site in Hunts Point
Community in Unity’s agenda is clear and simple. We value our community and therefore:
Oppose the proposed construction of a jail or detention center at the Oak Point site and challenge the assertion that the Bronx needs a new jail.
Oppose the proposed construction of a power plant at the Oak Point site.
We believe that our local government should represent the best interests of our community and in so doing provide a transparent and inclusive decision-making process that respects the voices of those most impacted by proposed projects.
We urge our elected officials to support community-led visioning and dialogue for what should happen at Oak Point, and as part of that dialogue, take into consideration existing and anticipated visioning efforts for Hunts Point.
Community and Unity urges our elected officials and brothers and sisters of the Bronx to recognize that:
The NYC Department of Correction plans to increase the Bronx’s jail capacity from 469 EMPTY beds at the now closed Bronx House of Detention to 2000 beds at this newly proposed jail at Oak Point, in spite of the fact that crime in the Bronx has decreased 23% in the past 5 years.
The current crime and arrest statistics used by the NYC Department of Correction and the factors that influence them must be scrutinized and analyzed from a community-based perspective.
A new jail in the South Bronx will NOT make it significantly easier to visit loved ones because most problems with visiting are caused by security check-point procedures and transportation systems, neither of which will be improved by the proposed jail at Oak Point.
The continued human rights violations suffered by those housed in NYC jail and prison systems are due to the environmental and physical conditions of those facilities, which have a detrimental impact on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of community members and their families. We want healthy jobs with living wages and alternatives to incarceration for South Bronx residents.
Community in Unity is a coalition of concerned residents and the following organizations:
Abraham House, The Bronx Defenders, Bronx Pryde, Center for Constitutional Rights, Critical Resistance, Elton Avenue Homeowners’ Association, For A Better Bronx, Green Worker Cooperatives, JusticeWorks Community, Mothers on the Move, NY Civic Participation Project, The Point CDC, Prison Moratorium Project, Rights for Imprisoned People with Psychiatric Disabilities, Sustainable South Bronx, Urban Justice Center Mental Health Project, We Stay/Nos Quedamos, Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice.
For more information contact: Mothers on the Move @ 718.842.2224; The Point CDC @ 718.542.4139; or Rights for Imprisoned People with Psychiatric Disabilities (RIPPD) @ 646.602.5664.