R A D I O V O I X S A N S F R O N T I E R E S (voices without frontiers)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 March, 2004

March 21 2004

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

RVSF: A Broadcast campaign by community radio stations worldwide with

programming from North America, Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

R A D I O V O I X S A N S F R O N T I E R E S (voices without

March 21 2004

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

RVSF: A Broadcast campaign by community radio stations worldwide with
programming from North America, Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Web cast via http://www.amarc.org/vsf (new web site coming soon)
organised by AMARC, World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters

Join the global campaign:
- Send us original and pre-produced audio material.
- Re-broadcast the programmes on your radio station.
- Link up with the broadcast team live in your region.
- Dedicate March 21st, the anniversary of the 1960 massacre in
Sharpeville, as your focus day of programming and action against racial

General Guidelines for Submissions to Radio Voix Sans Frontieres 2004

DEADLINE for contributions to the Global Broadcast is BEFORE MARCH 10, 2004.

*Main Theme*
"Community radio for access to communication technologies and against
discrimination" (Stories can focus on the digital divide, gender divide,
fighting discrimination and promoting peace via ICTs, community radio
and democracy, etc.)

N.B. The main theme is suggested as a way to encourage pieces on a
timely issue, however, any material on anti-racism practice is welcomed.

Pre-produced contributions should not exceed 20 minutes. Those sending
longer contributions should contact their regional coordinator (see

Material can be sent in any format (Minidisk, DAT, CD, cassette or as an
audio file per e-mail in mp3 or wave format) We encourage producers to
use and experiment with different genres and styles for their
contributions: documentary, panel discussion, drama, interview,
talk-shows, etc.

Contributions are admitted in any language. Please include a brief
content description in English, French or Spanish

*Sending contributions*
Contributions should be clearly marked and accompanied by a short
introduction, either as text or as part of the piece, briefly explaining
its content. Programmes should end with music. The title, duration and
language of the piece(s) should also be specified in writing. Also
include the name(s) of the producer(s), radio station with contact details.

*Intros & Extros*
Say something like this: "{For Radio Voix sans Frontieres - Radio Voices
Without Frontiers, this is [your name] of [your radio station]}"
(Please fill in and enclose the Submissions Form (below) when you send
your RVSF 2004 contributions!)

For more information and to confirm participation, contact:
RVSF International/North American Coordinator,
Elvira Truglia
AMARC International (Montreal, Canada)
Tel: (1-514) 982-0351
Fax: (1-514) 849-7129
elvira [at] amarc [dot] org

Pre-recorded material should be sent (by mail or e-mail) to one of the
Regional collection points listed below:

North America

Attn: Bryan BrownStorke Communications Building,
University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA
Tel. (+1-805) 893 3921;
Fax (+1-805) 893 7832
bryan.brown [at] kcsb [dot] org

Latin America
Perla Wilson
Radio Tierra 1300 AM
Purisima 251 Barrio Bellavista, recoleta
Santiago de Chile.CHILE
Tel: (56) (2) 442 96 35/36/37;
Fax: (56)(2) 442 96 34
pwilson [at] lamorada [dot] cl

Patrick Miller
Community Media Association
172 Brick Lane
London E1 6RU
Tel: (+44) 020 7655 0781
patrick [at] commedia [dot] org [dot] uk

Francesco Diasio
Piazza Addis Abeba 1 00199
Tel: (+39-06) 8632-8312;
Fax: (+36-06) 8638-3967
fdiasios [at] amisnet [dot] org

Gilles Eric Foadey
AMARC Africa
Simbani News Agency
23 Jorissen Street, 2nd Floor
The Braamfontein Centre, Braamfontein
Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
Tel: (+27-11) 403-7913/6785;
Fax: (+27-11) 403-7514
news-c [at] global [dot] co [dot] za

Suman Basnet
AMARC Asia-Pacific
GPO #3887
Kathmandu, NEPAL
Tel: (+977+1) 552-1696;
Fax: (+977+1) 552-1714
suman [at] wlink [dot] com [dot] np

v o i c e s w i t h o u t f r o n t i e r s

and enclose this information when you send your RVSF 2004 contributions!)

Title of programme:


Radio station/Production group:

Contact details (Address/Telephone/email):


Format (Jingle, Interview, Radio drama, Feature, Experimental etc.):

Length in minutes:
Date of production:

Short description of content: