March 8 2004 - International Women's Day - Walkout !!!

By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 March, 2004
ted... (a song for your local radio)

Women Walk-Out.... go on strike.... March-8th, 2004..!

Look here for more info about it.

------ March-8th was picked some time ago -----

Your "Media" forgot to tell you about it


Kim wrote something (comment from above artical)

hi all.

kym here to remind us all that tuesday is International Woman's Day.

Globally there is a call for a day of action. women are gonna walk out here in BC in solidarity with women elsewhere who are also under attack by Neo Liberal Agenda's.

the agenda? make lots of money and do not care about what

people say.

so, do not go to work that day, do not go to school that day... essential services only.

on monday phone any politicians you know who are women and ask them to not go to work and support women locally, and globally to make the world a better place.



so, also,

there was some discussion about a "song" called Bread & Roses.

I recorded the song, being sung, here in BC.

I tried to post it on the Victoria web-site

(the site doesn't do audio-files)

>>>> so I decided to post it here. <<<<<