radioAPPO transcript - [EN]

By Anonymous (not verified) , 30 October, 2006

radioAPPO transcript from indymedia irc (en)

What follows is a transcrition of some of what was broadcast over radioAPPO today in Oaxaca


13:07 pfp enrtering via san jacinto
13:07 there are agent provocateurs
13:07 they ask for the barricades to let them thru
13:07 the beat him
13:07 kicked him
13:07 and used batond
13:07 batons
13:08 saying that the man was walking and people threw stones
13:08 which provocked the cops beating him
13:09 pfp who where advancing thu river
13:09 where stopped by lorries overturned
13:09 and are now throwing stones at people
13:09 because they can get thru
13:09 violence and water, gas
13:09 somewhere
13:10 fortaleza
13:10 ferrocarril going to banamiel
13:10 asking people if water canon is just water or has acid
13:10 just water
13:10 !yes police are throwing stones
13:10 police are advancing by the river side
13:11 in some points cops have broken off in smaller groups
13:11 advancing towards zocalo
13:11 <@lupa_> (rivera del altoyas A6 (in the last map) )
13:11 thet are asking people to be careful, resist and peaceful
13:11 if police get thru
13:11 thay must be sorrounded
13:12 and prevented from moving
13:12 do this peacefully
13:12 they might invade our city but never our hearts
13:13 the demos is moving towards the university
13:13 if police take posession of zocalo
13:13 encircle them there
13:13 caller:
13:13 reamain calmed
13:13 people are angry that compa got beaten
13:14 and started to throw stones at cops
13:14 dont take rocks or sticks
13:14 or hell will break thru
13:14 break loose
13:14 stay calmed
13:15 !!! they are sure they are resisting effectivly with peacefull tacktics
13:15 talking to the demo
13:15 listening
13:15 you need to come to building that hosts the radio
13:15 the strategy is to encircle the police
13:16 and then go to the university
13:16 that is what the demo is going to do
13:16 encircle cops in zocalo
13:16 then keep people there and the rest move to university
13:17 people in barricades that look like are not useful anymore, leave them
13:17 demonstration
13:17 manifestation
13:17 dem/mani
13:18 !there is a large demonstration going on in the city at the same time as the police is moving in / or is already in control of some areas /or is trying to break in thru other places
13:19 ! the mass demo is "dropping" people in strategic places
13:19 !! as they go
13:19 march is in el llano
13:19 soon will get to zocalo
13:19 the to university
13:20 there are 3 hellicopters
13:20 over the city
13:20 one of them has snipers
13:20 and is the one that is flying really low
13:20 police will balackavas
13:20 armed are breaking into houses
13:20 3 detain in simbolos patrios
13:21 calling the lawyers to get on the case
13:21 ok
13:21 ! that was repots that cops in balaclavas are breaking into houses and registering
13:21 "registering"
13:22 dressed in grey in the aleman neighbourhood
13:22 alert
13:22 !going thru everything
13:22 four arrested
13:22 mario pineda de jesus
13:22 !! this para cerezo
13:22 1st of december
13:22 we are not going to allow this
13:23 we call for popular insurrection
13:23 peacefull popular insurrection nation wide
13:23 we know that the elections where rigged
13:23 so we are not going to allow the country to fall in the hands of calderon
13:24 fox/calderon police is in our city, arrenting our people and errupting in our houses
13:24 dressed in grey covering their faces with hoods
13:24 call for people not to go to the demo drunk
13:25 2 navi panther hellicopters are flying over the city
13:25 we'd like to ask the army
13:25 who are you supposed to protect?
13:25 your people
13:25 !your people
13:25 everyone go to zocalo
13:26 everyone to zocalo
13:26 this is where we will have the biggest resistance confrontation
13:26 then come to university comples
13:26 complex
13:26 compa?eros
13:26 this is nothing new
13:27 we knew that at the end they'd use the army
13:27 cuz they know thay are wrong
13:27 we will resist till the end
13:28 power is trying to break the oices that demand freedom and want to break all yokes
13:28 we must use intelligence
13:28 and go zoc and uni
13:28 we knwo they will not hold it for long
13:28 we will resist and recover our zocalo
13:28 we will resist the attack of ulises r and calderon
13:29 love park
13:29 gas
13:29 thrown
13:29 and are tryng to advance from there too
13:29 two main points
13:29 part of the demo must go surround, peacefully the police in zocalo
13:29 the other must come to the university
13:30 everyone, once the police is in zocalo
13:30 people holding barricades in the ourskirts
13:30 please consider whether you ought to leave it and move to zoca and univ
13:30 think about it
13:31 to everyone
13:31 we just heard
13:31 that the gruas
13:31 we must break those machine
13:31 machiens
13:31 machines
13:31 those machines have a lid to one side
13:31 if you dare
13:32 open that lid
13:32 and throw some sand or sugar inside it
13:32 we must resist
13:32 these are the machines that are being used to remove our barricades
13:32 a call out to international press
13:33 the pfp came in thru 20 of november stret
13:33 NOT busatamante
13:33 !! he might be talkingt to you lupa
13:33 house by house
13:34 have vineger and watert at hand
13:34 mustard gass wil burn your skin
13:34 cover your skin
13:34 have vinegar, milk, flour and.... a brand name from hell
13:35 my husband was arested
13:35 and i want to know what is ging to happen to him
13:35 how was he arrested
13:35 !bastard!
13:35 we have no esperience about defending ourselves
13:36 and got in an alley and someone started to shout
13:36 then the police took us...
13:42 they simply insist on being non violent
13:42 they talk about the coming in the street in nostro signore
13:42 of suspect people
13:42 that nobody saw on the barricades
13:43 they ask to identify and avoid those guys
13:44 damn
13:44 my stream is skipping
13:45 do non provoke the police
13:45 when they will be inside
13:45 the people will surround them
13:47 they insist on saying that there are people on the name of the ppopular assembly
13:47 that could provoke the police to allow the police to react violently
13:48 cerezo la marcha lleg al zocalo
13:48 cerezo la pfp se retiro a la plaza de la danza
13:48 the march reached zocalo
13:49 police leave to plaza de la danza
13:53 demo moves to the university?
13:53 radio askes
13:53 are you coming here?
13:53 we are many
13:53 we look everywhere
13:53 people are wired up
13:53 in zocalo
13:53 there are people everywhere
13:53 we are going you way
13:53 this is the answer of th epople
13:54 against the state
13:54 well done to old the grannies and gran parents
13:54 for talking the streets with their placards
13:54 in peace
13:54 and joining
13:54 police shooting gas
13:55 in parque de amor
13:55 police are breaking in the houses
13:55 no doubt leaving weapons inside
13:55 wo accuse...
13:55 we have a call from the square
13:55 !can undersn
13:55 gas
13:55 tear gas
13:55 the police
13:56 violence
13:56 ! it is the same caller than before
13:56 coughing
13:56 !! she was so high a minute ago. killers
13:56 radio
13:56 retrieve
13:56 that is the tacktic
13:57 lets not have phisical contact
13:57 andkeep a wider circle around them
13:57 keep encircled
13:57 mustard gas
13:57 come to the university and there are other places to go and avoid agression is
13:58 another building in the universty
13:58 also use churches
13:58 their doors are being openened
13:58 ! most people 've never one this before
13:58 avoid contact with the violent police
13:59 remember
13:59 they are an occupation force in our city
13:59 buut can occupy our heads
14:00 we wont allow the tyrant ulises ruiz or anyoner tyrant
14:00 to do this to us again
14:00 they are beating our people in zocalo and other places
14:00 the aggression is in course
14:00 now people are coming to our buildig radio universidad
14:00 they are calling for it to be a convergence point
14:01 !they are strong in niversity grounds
14:01 !!special laws apply
14:01 ! and there are many people there too
14:01 !already
14:01 !!this is one poit
14:01 radio
14:01 from the march
14:02 live
14:02 we do a call for calm
14:02 lets movilise but keep calm
14:02 dont answer to provocation
14:02 show we are a peacefull movement
14:02 police has made arrest
14:02 and beaten people
14:03 this is a call to advance peacefully
14:03 house searches continue
14:03 we ask people to ring in with info
14:03 what houses, who is arrested
14:04 one of my relatives has been arrested... thank you
14:04 this is the situation in oaxaca
14:05 we call for all of the people to concentrate massively in the univ
14:05 @stream is down
14:08 an explosion
14:08 probably from the paramilitaries
14:09 people in the demo are being gassed and beaten from the front
14:10 but can move cuz people at the back dont undersnad what is happening
14:10 call to open the back of the march and go to the university building
14:16 call to leave the streets and go to university
14:16 !hola
14:16 a bus with the logo of the university
14:16 full off paramilitaries
14:16 1 bus
14:16 is going around the city
14:17 one coach
14:17 university coach
14:17 this is how sometimes the paramilitaries operate
14:17 probably they highjacked it
14:17 but perhaps someone in power inside the university
14:18 gave permission for this
14:18 as some people are not supporters of appo
14:18 two helicopters
14:18 trying to see the area
14:19 in order to break into the university
14:19 recognising the ground in order to direct cops towards the police
14:19 towards the uni
14:19 call for people at the back of the demo
14:19 to open up
14:20 as people in the front cant avoid being gassed and beaten,
14:20 as they cant move out of the way fat enough
14:20 fast
14:20 puente technologico
14:20 4 tanks
14:20 one turned around
14:21 hellicopter checking how they are going to go in the city from that side
14:21 crossing the river
14:21 two important points
14:21 zocalo
14:21 and the radio
14:21 !and the fucking bridges?
14:21 appo
14:21 informs
14:22 people are staying in zocalo for a while, have a quick meeting
14:22 and then move towards the university
14:22 political heart in zocalo
14:23 resisting the police
14:23 then it is important to reinforce people in zocalo
14:23 so that the meeting can take place
14:24 !!which is tricky with the police beating the front of the demo in zocalo
14:24 radio there are loads of people in zocalo
14:24 lets have te meeting
14:24 resist
14:24 this is a historical day
14:24 for oaxaca, mexico and the world
14:25 show the streght of the people
14:25 never have we seen such police movilistation agaisnt a mass popular movement
14:25 like ours
14:25 it is too difficult to hold a meeting in zocalo
14:25 companyeros move over to guerrero street
14:26 bridge
14:26 reprt from brige
14:26 tanks
14:26 50m away from bridge
14:26 people are stopping them
14:26 the cant go in that way
14:27 the state against the people
14:27 tanquetas
14:27 armoured vehicles
14:27 some where !!throwing
14:27 water
14:29 we are in zocalo
14:29 police are beating our compas
14:29 although we are unarmed
14:30 they are in the corner of the restaurant
14:30 they ahvent taken the square yet
14:30 but we need more ppl
14:30 they are coming in
14:30 national and international press are here
14:30 zocalo
14:30 hangs up
14:32 they point to two concentracion points
14:32 calle de guerrero and the university
14:33 they are identifying 3 infiltrators
14:34 one has a black baseball cap i think and a white chivas t-shirt
14:35 and one a black pullover
14:35 with a journalist badge
14:37 he gave out the url of
14:37 radio gives out imc url
14:38 for people to find out whats happening in oaxaca
14:38 one compa has pierced the wheels
14:38 of one of the small tanks
14:38 and they shot at him
14:39 shot bullets
14:40 he threw himself to the side road
14:40 asking for support for him
14:40 !there is a delay in the stream
14:40 from mexico city, radio chapingo
14:41 connection
14:41 we will keep listening in
14:41 another caller
14:42 agent provocateurs
14:42 permanently provocking the police hoping to star a bloodbath
14:42 start
14:42 caut
14:43 ??too confusing can aso hear studio talk
14:43 they need materials
14:43 take buses and keep them near the barricades
14:44 people in the centre: join the march
14:44 then we can carry on
14:44 dont do anything without a decition from the appo and the barricade coordinators
14:45 security compas, please call in every 15minutes
14:45 with instructions of what to do
14:45 one of the leaders of the provocateurs
14:46 is a teacher
14:46 xi know him since university days
14:46 he is wearing black and orange
14:46 and he studied law
14:46 from san francico, sacramento, california
14:47 3000 in a demo
14:47 against the mexican gov
14:47 and this system
14:47 that has given us only misery
14:47 we will mee with HHRR orgs
14:47 to demand, ask, etc
14:47 that the constitution is respected
14:48 that humanrughts are respected
14:48 and to the police:
14:48 today we need brave people
14:48 you swore to protect your country
14:48 dont injure your people
14:48 you will be tried in court
14:48 that is what we ask from the whole world
14:49 dont forget about us
14:49 -
14:49 lorries are being removed
14:49 in puente tecnoogico
14:49 the police is removing the barricades and clearing the access to the city
14:49 !!tere whre 60 lorries full of army waiting there
14:50 indiscriminate use of gas
14:50 !he cant breathe
14:50 it is a really critical situation here ( in the bridge)
14:50 they are trying to stop the police
14:50 our compa is chocking
14:51 we need water in the barricades
14:51 we call for people to do wat the security comission s saying
14:51 the hellicopter is throwing gassess
14:51 there is another helicopter gassing
14:52 live to...
14:52 ! a load of noise
14:52 the police is
14:52 the tanks are throwing gass to the people resisting in the bridge
14:52 the resistance is making the cops to go bask
14:53 compas have managed to resist
14:53 even with gas bombs
14:53 in the bridge
14:53 we are divided in two
14:53 one part in the brodge itself
14:53 another in the avenue
14:53 they are trying to stop the water tanks
14:54 one tank thows water
14:54 the other gas
14:54 it is important that people go to the bridge
14:54 we ar edefending our people
14:54 we need vinegar
14:54 they are managing to contend the police
14:54 vinegar,
14:55 need forst aid stuff
14:55 first
14:55 loads of van full of cops
14:55 in rosario bridge
14:55 going towards cinco se?ores
14:55 we call for people to come to university
14:55 and proctect it
14:56 puente tecnologico
14:56 east of the city
14:56 over the river?
14:56 ther is a strong confrontation ther
14:56 there
14:56 between people and the tanks
14:57 and the have the hellicopters too
14:57 throwing gass
14:57 ! no mention (audible) of injured
14:57 patrols are crossing the bridge that heads to rosario
14:57 connection with mixoacan
14:57 from mixoacan
14:58 really bad line, loads of people in a support demo
14:58 with oaxaca
14:58 zocalo and university, strategic points
14:59 many people from nearby villages have arrived to the university
14:59 urgent to tak food and water to the barricades
14:59 theyve been there al day
14:59 must avoid violebt resistance
14:59 violent
14:59 we have to move forward with our demands
15:00 out with ulises ruiz and the other demands
15:00 ther are demos in mexico, and other places in the country and from villages around oaxaca
15:01 thanks everyone for their suppport
15:01 your support
15:01 a hellicopter
15:01 in amor park
15:02 there are 50 companyeros
15:02 that are being taken inside the copter
15:02 they are using copter to move people arrested
15:05 there are police hidding behind the dog building
15:05 perrera
15:05 puente del tecnologico
15:05 the tanks failed to remove the barricades
15:05 there are thousands of people behind the barricades
15:06 resisting copters throwing gass
15:06 and the tanks cannot get thru
15:07 heroical peacefull resistance form the people
15:07 in amor park they arrested gerardo aldez valdez
15:07 valdez
15:07 they can be hitting us with their mighty violence but they will not take our hearts
15:08 like we have resisted thu history
15:08 and we resist with dignity
15:08 and proud
15:08 in tecnologico people need blankets
15:08 cuz they are bombing them
15:09 struggle against tanks continue
15:09 now body to body struggle
15:09 that is what she said
15:09 bombardeando
15:10 the tanks have not managed to pass
15:10 no pasaran
15:10 they need blankets, water
15:10 another report
15:10 there is a caravan
15:10 coming from brenamiel
15:10 of water tanks throwing water with pepper
15:11 this is perhaps the movement that our lords have chose to kill us
15:11 calling for an ambulance
15:11 a compa has been shot
15:11 shot
15:11 dont take him to the red cross
15:11 take him to he church los principes of university
15:12 church or university
15:12 a compa has fallen shot
15:12 we are the majority
15:12 xoxo y san janito
15:12 go reinforce valerio trujano barricade
15:12 who are resisnting right not there
15:12 the PFP is trying to take channel9
15:12 and paramiliraties are somewhere
15:13 we are ready to give ourlives
15:13 as they said before
15:13 better die standing
15:13 than on your knees
15:13 that die on our knees
15:13 or in front of a computer
15:13 !!
15:14 we rae not afraid
15:14 we know who those dogs are
15:14 we have identified the paramilitaries
15:14 we know them and we are not afraid of them
15:14 the students say
15:14 we will not turn away
15:14 we wil defend our university
15:14 we are going to wait for you
15:14 the paramilitaries
15:15 the police
15:15 the pfp we will stay in the radio building till the lastm moment
15:15 the hellicoper with 40 of our people has landed in the airport
15:15 everyone in thh discotel area
15:15 please erect a barricade
15:15 not to resist
15:16 but to climb it and see who exactlyhas been arested
15:16 in bustamante
15:16 pur people has built a human wall
15:16 to prevent the police from going in
15:16 also around the university there are a lot of ppl
15:17 please informus immediatly so that we are able to help you
15:17 well done to te ppl building the wall with their own bodies
15:17 the army will realise how they have made a
15:17 huge mistake
15:17 using violece against a peacefull resistance
15:18 it is important that we come to universidad
15:18 also in guerrero street
15:18 we have to keep orderly with intellligence
15:18 bienaventurados
15:18 our children
15:18 men and women
15:19 god bless us comrades
15:19 if we have to die today
15:19 they tell us
15:19 ppl arrested in amor park
15:19 the copters have landed in the army airport
15:19 we tell you that so you can see that oaxaca is looking
15:19 in thei movement
15:19 avemida technologico
15:19 police are pushing in
15:20 people are pushing back
15:20 its amazing how poeple are pushing them back
15:20 coming to reinfore the resistance
15:20 defending this square
15:20 for more that 30 minutes,
15:20 rsisting gas, bombs
15:21 puente tecnologico
15:21 police are dispersing
15:21 !replegandose
15:21 we call for people to come to the radio building to keep us on air
15:21 in ths heroic, peacefull and popular resistance
15:22 we also call for water, food, blankets
15:22 so they can keep their resistance
15:22 the confrontation in tecnologico carries on
15:22 police against people
15:22 front to front
15:22 police is trying to break into channel 9
15:23 in amilpas
15:23 oeple resisting too
15:23 manage to stop th pfp
15:23 channel 9 is a friendly channel
15:23 we cal to people all over the world to keep an eye on the HHRR situation
15:23 we want ulises ruis out
15:23 people are raising all over mexico
15:24 "we are all oaxaca"
15:24 we are all a people against those in power
15:24 doing this and that
15:24 we are making history
15:24 "we are all oaxaca" that is the call
15:27 resist
15:27 in a peacefull way
15:27 keep the phone line going
15:27 and the information coming in
15:28 we are also calling to come and resist fisically here in the univ building
15:28 as is a coordination tool
15:28 95111364757
15:28 we continue to monitor what is going on
15:28 we are all oaxaca
15:28 www.indymedia,org
15:29 people continue to resist, and needing support please support the different locations
15:29 lets not give up our city
15:30 they might have the streght to impose their will
15:30 but we will never give them our consent
15:30 >music>
15:30 it is not bell of death
15:31 it is bells of live
15:31 thousands of brothers
15:31 it is workers, campesinos, miners, citizens, hundreds of thousand who resist
15:31 ...etc
15:33 end/>
15:34 under the direction of fox, calderon, ruiz....
15:34 newspaper person calling in asking for info on situaton in alemania
15:35 copters, gass, arrested, direct confrontation, i varios places
15:35 in miguel aleman
15:35 hooded police are doing house searches
15:35 our people are resisting peacefully
15:35 and the state is stricking with violence
15:36 from the morning till now people are resisting
15:36 if the governor is listening
15:36 fuck off
15:36 (or something like that)
15:36 there are reports that the police is armed with assault rifles
15:36 yes they are
15:37 there are reports of shot
15:37 shot is the bridge
15:37 shots
15:38 we understand that there is a neighbourhood where there is trouble
15:38 why if the confrontation is in the centre
15:38 there are 8 point of confrontation
15:38 all over
15:39 can we keep the phone line open?
15:39 ok
15:39 we are in puente tecnol
15:39 to let poeple know that
15:39 the compa that went head on against the tank, has been arested
15:40 there is one person injured
15:40 hit with a "firework"
15:40 !guess a stunt bomb
15:40 ! sounds like him
15:40 ! someone that "went for it"
15:41 we need to knwo who escatly has been arrested
15:41 they have managed to break the block?
15:41 yep
15:42 !i think
15:42 yes
15:42 they broke the resisting
15:42 !!so it is free way from the lorries waiting other side of the bridge
15:42 puente tecnologico
15:43 !!shit
15:43 !!! the city will flood with cops
15:43 !everyone to radio universidad
15:44 everyone to radio universidad
15:44 cheers mahtin
15:44 wanna do a bit of this?
15:45 i think they are calling for action at the tires
15:45 parmilitaries are now around zona univeritaria
15:46 francisco estrada arias parcoijil? has black jacket around town, looks sketchy, has chinese hair-- watch out for him
15:46 ! people have to understand, compas from oaxaca said, people outside mexico, than in oaxaca, the paramilitaries "open the way" for the police. right wing supporters.
15:46 tecnologico - pfp is coming toward Channel 9, people are reinforcing
15:46 alert
15:46 supposed ambulance is the police
15:46 there is supposed to be an ambulance running around the city
15:47 it is a police vehicle
15:47 be careful of who is helping our injured comp@s
15:47 rems ambulance
15:47 again, be careful- the ambulance is the police
15:47 as we continue this day of resistance and direct confrontation with police and pfp...
15:47 kev the other campaign is blocking eje central in mexico city. just moved a bus across this major avanue that corsses the city center
15:48 !
15:48 we repudiate the presence of the federal forces, and we demand that the federal police stop invading oaxaca
15:48 we have to defend our ideas, compan~eros
15:48 to resist, to defend our rights, the pueblo of Oaxaca and Mexico
15:49 from mexico city in df, they are taking roads in suppot of oaxaca
15:49 they are attacking oaxaca in a violent way, while the peopel resist peacefully
15:50 we have to stay firm, keep our eyes out, watch the different kinds of ambulances
15:50 and not leave our injured alone
15:50 have people who support them with them
15:50 head cold, heart ho
15:50 t
15:50 peopel of oaxaca are defending a just cause, don't give in to the pfp or let them in
15:50 phone call (i need help with this)
15:51 someone threw a granada
15:51 granade
15:51 copter that was supposed to monitor crowd movements
15:51 has suddenly thrown a gass greande into the multitude
15:51 just like that
15:52 radio person says they are tear gas grenades
15:52 hot metal canisters
15:52 with smoke
15:52 people are defending their right to gather and protest
15:52 thrown over the heads of the people
15:52 URO out of Oaxaca, never pfp in oaxaca
15:53 no shame in rejecting...bloodbath...
15:53 Romero from Calle ciudad - identifying and making a general list of people who have been captured
15:53 !!mahtin where was that?
15:53 !!the gass
15:53 maybe wrong, but they started out talking about a person
15:53 oh i forget
15:54 in 7 principes they need towels/help
15:54 i can never understand the beginning of phone calls
15:54 for people to keep coming together to defend key points
15:55 like radio universidad, tecnologico, other strategic points and keep advancing
15:55 mass peaceful resistance continues
15:56 we say, enough of this tyrant...
15:56 call to keep following the example of APPO
15:57 call to the world to demand an end to the escalation of violence against the protesters in Oaxaca
15:57 some 50 detained
15:57 several injured
15:57 this afternoon is what golden pages in the history of mex, oaxaca, humanity will be written about...
15:58 we will continue the resistance....
15:58 let's come together and strengthen the resistance in the capital of the state
15:58 we'll form a peaceful barrier against the pfp
15:59 please don't provoke them or commit any act - it's better to leave
15:59 there is talk about infiltrators and about the ambulance
15:59 get out of that area
16:00 some say you can trust the ambulance, others say you can't
16:00 the driver, luis, is a friend of some comp@s
16:00 but i don't want to be responsible
16:00 let the ambulance thru cuz we know the driver
16:00 shit
16:01 back
16:01 don't respond with violence, tjhis stream went down too
16:02 does anyone have it?
16:05 i don't have it
16:08 they cut the electricity at the univ
16:09 not confirmed
16:09 people are calling the radio
16:11 i am hearing yes and no