Protestors beseige Mexican Embassy in DC

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 October, 2006
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 1710 AM in DC

On Oct 30, over 70 protestors infuriated by the brazen murder of protestors and Indymedia journalist Brad Will took over the sidewalk and part of the street in front of the Mexican Embassy.

Anyone leaving the embassy was confronted with chants of Assassino!" meaning "Murderer!"

Several time, chants of "your money, your fault, your bullets-your fault" went up, along with a warning that next time protestors might not give advance notice, and might not go just to the embassy.

This protest was not an isolated action but part of an international series of protests including the storming of the Mexican consulates in Indianapolis and in NYC. In Mexico, the Zapatistas have announced they will shut down all roads through Zapatista territory beginning Nov 1.

The murder of Brad Will-GUTSHOT for bringing out the news while defending a barricade, and the mureer of over a dozen other protestors will NOT be forgotten! Bush's henchman Fox has really stepped over the line this time, and the time to pay the price is here.

Escalation and brutality didn't work at Galludet, where "King" Jordan tried attacking a tent city with bulldozers. Two were injured, but it only made protestorsmre determined than ever. In the end, the Trustees folded and booted Fernandez.

State and capitalist violenvce will work no better in Oaxaca than at Galludet, but the escalation is to a far greater degree.

The real question is this-will Fox risk civil war in all Mexico trying to save Ruiz? If not, Ruiz will get the same fate as Jane Fernandez-the boot!