By Anonymous (not verified) , 8 November, 2006

Democracy and Human Rights in Russia!


JACQUES CHIRAC - President of the French Republic
GEORGE W. BUSH JR. - President of the United States of America
TONY (ANTHONY CHARLES LYNTON) BLAIR - Prime Minister of Great Britain
JUNICHIRO KOIZUMI - Prime Minister of Japan
ANGELA MERKEL - Federal Chancellor of Germany
STEPHEN HARPER - Prime Minister of Canada
ROMANO PRODI - Prime Minister of Italy
JOSE MANUEL BARROSO - Chairman of the European Commission

The past last two years became the period ascent to the Russian authority on rails of dictatorship. In current of this period there was a sharp reduction of suffrages of citizens to a simultaneous establishment of monopoly of the bureaucracy; governors selected earlier now are built in a notorious vertical. The same process has extended on local self-management.

There was an attack to the social rights of people, the law establishing the total police-bureaucratic control over the non-commercial organizations is passed. Contrary to the Constitution there is at full speed absorption of Russia by bureaucracy, movement to dictatorship is headed by president V. Putin.

Efficiency of the government continues the falling; there is a scale nationalization of the most effective companies. Corruption has grown repeatedly, the enterprise climate became suffocating. The scale of larceny in the country has overflowed all inconceivable limits. The hysteria around of an idea on democratic change of authority accrues.

The main threat facing to Russia in unpredictable consequences of inevitable crash of a present administrative vertical of authority. Tragically scripts down to disintegration of the country are predicted. It can become a reality if to be carried out the plan conceived in the Kremlin on prolongation of imperious powers of president Putin or carrying out of action "Successor". Then will proceed the robbery of the country Russian Federation and your citizens.

In Russia the corrupted officials still never received such huge control over the country. Unite in ecstasy power and civil bureaucracy. Criminal has got deeply into power structures and Russian people with shudder observe shameless and frank assignment of riches of the country group the engirdled thieves.

The Russian power departments under a kind of struggle against terrorism receive additional financial assets which then are plundered by officials of these departments from the budget of the state. Citizens do not hope any more for authority the Russian court. Russia became territory of “free hunting “for organizers of mass reprisals. People became deprived of civil rights, lawlessness are made on the basis of confidential departmental orders, ant constitutional, but officially recognized by the Russian Ministry of Justice. Corruption as rust corrodes all Russian state administration system. Power structures have found uncontrolled authority above people and have subjected to their lawlessness. The international community stores silence.

References of citizens to president V. Putin twice responsible for an event: as guarantor of constitutional laws and freedom and as direct head of law-enforcement departments which behave with cynical debauched and self-confident cruelty of chastisers. Citizens of a planet should realize all that without their support transition to the present democracy and rescue not only Russia, but also all world is impossible. The Russian citizens wait for protection of the rights and answers to occurring destruction of the Russian Federation.