Today, Mexican "President-Elect" Calderon(who stole his election just like Bush) visited the Ritz-Carlton hotel on 22nd st in DC. When he arrived, protestors organized by the Mexican Solidarity Network were waiting to "greet" him!
Protestors were furious both aboutthe death and torture of protestors in Oaxaca, and at Calderon's brazen theft of the Mexican presidency.
Although the APPO and the residents of Liberated Oaxaca have so far repelled almost all of the OFP's aggression. the battle has not been without price. At this point losses are estimated at 22 deat(including NY Indymedia activist Brad Will), countless injured and dozens arrested and being subjected to beatings, torture, and possibly rape like earlier this year at Atenco.
Here's how Calderon stole the Mexican presidency:
The FOX/PAN administration threatend welfare recipients with loss of benefits unless they voted for Calderon. This yielded almost 50% votes for a pro-business candidate from Oportunades recipients, among the poorest single mothers in all Mexico.
PAN controls the Federal Electoral Institute, which managed the election. Votes were "lost" or miscounted by the millions. In addition the Federal Electoral Institute lobbied in the media for a Calderon victory. This was in spite of problems detected in THOUSANDS of voting booths.
On top of all else, outgoing president FOX defied strict laws prohibiting a sitting president from campaigning to openly campaign for Calderon for six months.
Both Lopez Obrador and Subcomandante MArcos coucur in an estimate that over 2 million votes were miscounted, easily stealing an election decided by less than 0.5%.
Calderon's legitimacy and popularity are so low that perhaps the only person less popular in Mexico is Bush, who Calderon is visiting DC is to meet.
Protest organizers were wondering about the purpose of the meeting-perhaps it is to swap tips on stealing elections?