Barcelona: 3 early morning raids on 3 squats, including MAKABRA

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 November, 2006
imc-ie dunk

last monday saw 3 eviction attempts in barcelona, the biggest of these MAKABRA, a circus squat have taken to the streets for the last 3 nights putting on a free 3 hour show for its followers, its long from over, audio from the streets.

1, Pallars, by security men who used violence to attempt entry
2, La Makabra, a famous Barcelona circus, theatre and art squated social centre, had 108 people evicted and the building was quickly torn down after. Following this, there has been a circus every night in one of Barcelonas main public spaces, placa Jaume, with a crowd of over 1000 watching the very high quality performance from the makabra community. the audio below is from those nights
3, a 3rd squat is supposed to have been evicted but there has been little more news about that.

original barca notice of eviction:

La Makabra has been evicted!

last November 20th, at 7:45 in the morning police began to evict La Makabra CSO; this squat at 46 Tanger Street (Glories tube station) was an old factory and was now an alternative culture center, circus, free internet access point, social center, hostel, meeting point for forums and social debate, video screenings, concerts, and it also held canteen and parties to finance several alternative projets in the city.



Barcelona: 3 early morning raids on 3 squats, including MAKABRA

Pallars squat
El Pais article about the violence there on monday…


destruction of anarchist squat overseen by police comand

