On November 27, protestors gathered once again at the Mexican Embassy in response to the killing of three protestors by PFP gunmen on Saturday Nov 25. We were met with police harassment not seen previously at Oaxaca solidarity demos
One SS cop circled my bike, and ostentatiosly proclaimed that it is not registered. I reponded that the bike registration law does not apply to bikes owned by non-DC residents and then turned around and demanded to see his police ID.
This incident is exactly the sort of thing the City Council is planning to repeal the bike registration law to prevent. (Let's get them moving!)
At that point, Officer Anonymous quickly retreated back to his buddies without complying with a citizen's request that he show his "creds."
Earlier in the demo,people sitting on the ground making signs were aggressivelyu challenged, with the SS demanding to know "who the leader is," seemingly unable to wrap their feeble minds around the concepts of consensus and leaderless resistance.
Perhaps the Mexican Embassy has complained to Secret Service about the protests? If so, it means we are effective and we are getting through.
When one embassy worker was asked what he thought of the PFP killing protestors in Oaxaca, he refused to replay at first, then claimed to have NO OPINION.
Well, if death squads killing 70,000 Salvadorans during Reagan's war could not stop the FMLN, a few dozen PFP death squad killings in Oaxaca will no stop the APPO!
Also, the Washington Post and other mainstream media ran one-sided coverage on November 27, leaving entirely out of their stories the fact that three people were shot and killed! The Post made it look like just one more battle in Mexico, one causing no human losses when in fact three were killed and hundreds were injured or "disappeared."