FMA on CKUT: David Kirby on Mercury in Vaccines & the secret US Vaccine Court

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 November, 2006
joe broadhurst

Author of "Evidence of Harm" joins the Friday Morning After's Joe Broadhurst to discuss Mercury in vaccines. (20:00)

In the 80s, autism rates were around 1:10,000. In the late 80s & early 90s, they rose to 1:166. Millions of US babies were being given multiple vaccines at a time, all containing Thimerosal, a preservative that is 50% mercury.

Now the US is using the Patriot Act and a secret Gitmo-like Vaccine Court, where the press and public are being denied access, to deal with the settlements. The settlements are being paid through taxes by US citizens. This is terrorism. State-sponsored terrorism using state terrorist laws to protect the drug companies. Spread the truth.